turmoil. In other words, you will likely encounter emotional highs and lows. But don’t be overly concerned—it’s all part of being a distance runner and nothing a little extra sleep won’t cure.
And finally, remember that all runners experience guilt and disappointment. All runners, even beginners, have performance expectations. When a person misses a workout or performs below expectations it is common to experience guilt and emotional lows. What’s surprising is that this makes the process more rewarding, not less, because people find out they have more strength than they thought or ever imagined possible.
The Marathon and Half-marathon Programs
The difference between the marathon and half-marathon programs
The programs for the half and full marathon are identical with the exception of the long run. The scheduled long runs for the marathoners are longer distances than those for the half-marathon runners.
Phase 1: Weeks 1–4
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
—Lao-tzu, Chinese philosopher
Congratulations! You’ve taken the first few steps in your half- or full-marathon journey.
Goals for phase 1
1. To begin to establish a comfortable “shuffle” pace as your first stage in learning to run for a few minutes at a time
2. To confirm your commitment to this new exercise program and to make your three weekly training sessions a priority in your busy life
Phase 1 Programs
Week 1
We've Begun! Comfortable
Warm-up: Shuffle 5 min.
Shuffle 1 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 8 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 34 min.
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 1 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 6 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 28 min.
Optional cross-training day
Sat. Long-Run Day
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 1 min.Walk 2 min. Half Marathon: Repeat this for 3 mi. or 5 km. Full Marathon: Repeat this for 3 mi. or 5 km
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Walk 20-30 min.
Optional for good recovery
Week 2
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 2 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 7 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 38 min.
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 1 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 7 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 31 min.
Cross training
Sat. Long-Run Day
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 1 min.Walk 2 min. Half Marathon: Repeat this for 4 mi. or 6.5 km. Full Marathon: Repeat this for 4 mi. or 6.5 km
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Walk 20-30 min.
Week 3
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 3 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 7 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 45 min.
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 2 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 6 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 34 min.
Cross training
Sat. Long-Run Day
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 2 min.Walk 2 min. Half Marathon: Repeat this for 5 mi. or 8 km. Full Marathon: Repeat this for 5 mi. or 8 km
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Walk 20-30 min.
Week 4
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 3 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 6 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 40 min.
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 2 min.Walk 2 min. Do this 5 times
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Total time: 30 min.
Cross training
Sat. Long-Run Day
Warm-up: Walk 5 min.
Shuffle 2 min.Walk 2 min. Half Marathon: Repeat this for 3 mi. or 5 km. Full Marathon: Repeat this for 4 mi. or 6.5 km
Cool-down:Walk 5 min.
Walk 20-30 min.
How you might feel during this phase
With luck, you’re feeling excited about your new challenge. It’s understandable if you feel some uncertainty, especially during the first few training sessions. Rest assured that before long these feelings will be replaced with a comfortable confidence.
Coaching tips: Find a comfortable shuffle
Most people, at least initially, try too hard and do too much too soon. If you find things too easy to start with, that’s good! As your workout time increases, you will find it challenging enough. Here are a few things to consider when you’re trying
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