Maid for Martin

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Book: Maid for Martin by Samantha Lovern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Lovern
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wanted answers.
    Mike, until this moment, seemed to want the whole discussion to end, but that was changing. He turned to face her, all but ignoring the fact that they were not alone.
    Randi looked at Mike, pushing the thoughts of Joe and the discussion they’d just had out of her mind. Mike was working up his nerve to say something. If she rose and left now, she knew down deep she would regret it. If there was something he could say that would ease the pain of losing something she’d never had, she wanted to hear it.
    Chapter 12
    What A Mess
    Martin didn’t like this at all. Instead of making things better, they were worse. The look of dejection on that pretty face was hard to endure.
    What is it with this girl? What kind of hold did she have over him? He just didn’t want to lose this normal connection. If, and when, she found out who he really was, what they had would be lost.
    He knew he should give her some answers, but he just couldn’t bring himself to tell her the whole truth. Martin had been attracted to Randi from the moment he saw her standing on the corner, and the moment she touched him, he felt something electric.
    He’d fought these feelings hard. He’d tried not to think about her. It just wasn’t fair to Celia, Randi, or himself, to get involved when he didn’t know what he wanted.
    Now as she looked at him, he knew he had to tell her something. Give her an idea why he was so secretive and why he sounded as if there was no way he would date her. He’d hurt her feelings and that hadn’t been his intention. He should have been truthful that first day, but it was too late to worry about that now.
    Instead of looking away or bolting from the table Randi sat there waiting. It was if she could sense he wanted to say something, and he did. Martin scooted to the edge of his chair and rested his hands on the table before him. He drew from his acting skills to help him pull this off.
    He rubbed his hands together as if they were cold, thinking, forming what he wanted to say. Finally, he looked up and gathered up the strength to at least be partly honest. “That didn’t come out the way I wanted it to. If I wasn’t in a relationship I would ask you out,” he laughed. “I would have already asked you out.”
    “That’s nice to hear.”
    “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”
    “No need to apologize.”
    “Well I am.”
    Finally her lips started to curl into a smile. Martin wanted to reach out and take her hand. He wanted to take her in his arms and hold her close. What am I thinking? Had a few nights without Celia done this to him or was it something else, something he didn’t even want to admit?
    As he sat there letting his eyes roam over Randi’s features, he knew this had nothing to do with Celia, and in ways that spoke volumes. If he was in love with Celia, desire might come his way now and then, but it wouldn’t cause him to want to leave a woman that he was deeply in love with.
    No, if he’d been where he should have been with Celia, Randi’s beauty would have been just that, a beauty that caught his attention. The words of his mother came crashing into his mind. If you’re not willing to wait until you’re married to take a woman to your bed, then you just don’t respect yourself, or her, the way you should.
    His mother would tell him the thing that was wrong with his relationship with Celia was that they had jumped the gun. They had moved in together because they were attracted to each other, not because there was something between them worth cultivating. Maybe she’d been right.
    He thought his mother was being old-fashioned when she gave him her little speech, but now as he sat looking at Randi he could see what she was trying to say. He liked Randi, and though they were not to the point of even thinking about kissing, he could see the damage that had been done by sleeping with Celia and other women.
    He looked at his hands, wanting to shake the images out of his mind. Even

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