Maid for Martin

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Book: Maid for Martin by Samantha Lovern Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Lovern
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his left brow rose.
    “Tonight, you’re Joe.”
    “You’ve got to be kidding.”
    Martin reached to open his door and laughed. “Just get the pizza, and be a friend and go along. I’ll explain it, when I figure it out myself.”
    Chapter 11
    Caught in the Act
    Randi looked out the window. It had finally stopped raining. She picked up the bowl of scraps and walked through the kitchen and out to the garage. As she opened the door she stopped in her tracks as a car pulled up.
    As she saw who was in the car a smile broke out on her face, it was her limo driver, and another man. Could the other man be Mr. Taylor? Would Mike run around with Mr. Taylor if he was sleeping with Celia?
    Celia and Martin were having problems. That was obvious, but what about Mike and Celia? Were they having an affair? Would she believe Mike if he said he wasn’t sleeping with Celia? He’d never confirmed or denied the fact. If he wasn’t sleeping with Celia, why wouldn’t he just come out and say so?
    Regardless, he was cute. Randi moved her hand up to her hair, trying to recall what she looked like. She pushed her hair off her shoulder and behind her ear. She didn’t look too bad. She was wearing jeans, tennis shoes and a white smock. She’d taken a shower after cleaning for most of the day with Ann, and had gotten bored and went back to do more cleaning in the kitchen.
    Since she didn’t want to stand there holding a bowl of scraps in front of two handsome men, she flashed Mike a smile and walked around to the side of the house. She went to the hole in the fence, dumped the food out and went back around front.
    Mike and the mysterious man were standing by the back door talking. She didn’t want to pry or get in the way so she went into the house. She remembered there were dirty dishes in the sink. If the other man was Mr. Taylor she didn’t want him coming home to dirty dishes.
    Once the garage door was closed she hurried to the kitchen and began to wash the bowls, including the one she had been carrying. She was just rinsing the sink when she heard voices. Rather than turn immediately and watch the two men enter, she kept working, and then turned.
    “Pizza?” Randi asked, hanging the dishrag inside the sink cabinet. Her cute limo driver spoke first.
    “You got it, hot pizza. I got my friend Joe to come over and help me finish changing the oil on the Harley. I thought I should feed him first.”
    Randi started to speak, but the new guy, Joe, interrupted. “You never mentioned the bike. I think this is a bribe.” Randi smiled as Mike set the pizza down and glanced at his friend.
    Something seemed off between the two men, but she dismissed it and spoke. “Since Mike hurt his hand he might need some help. If you boys need anything let me know.” Randi started to walk away but Joe spoke.
    “Why don’t you join us? There’s plenty of pizza.” The man gave her a smile and pulled out a chair. “Go on, sit down. Mike will get us some drinks, won’t you, Mike?”
    “I don’t know,” Randi said.
    “Have you eaten already?” Joe asked.
    “Are you hungry?”
    “A little.”
    “Then join us.” Joe gave her a warm smile. His dark wavy hair looked a bit wet from the rain. He had brown eyes, tanned skin, and was about two inches taller than her limo driver. He was very handsome also.
    “I don’t want to get anyone into trouble. You know, fraternizing with the help and all.” Randi glanced between the two men.
    “Oh, you won’t,” Joe grinned. “Mike here is one of Mr. Taylor’s favorite employees. Why, he can do no wrong, it seems. The mere fact that he allows Mike to work on his precious Harley speaks volumes.”
    “No need to go overboard,” Mike said as he turned to the refrigerator, getting out some drinks. “What can I get for you, Randi?” he asked.
    “I don’t care. Anything that’s not diet, and are you sure? I don’t want to impose.” Randi looked from Joe to Mike as he set three cans of

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