Love Me to Death (Underveil)

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Book: Love Me to Death (Underveil) by Marissa Clarke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marissa Clarke
Tags: romance series, vampire, paranormal romance, undead, scientist, underveil, mary lindsey
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capacity as well. The guy didn’t expect a response. He already knew the answer.
    Darvaak put his hands on either side of Elena’s head. “Sweet girl. You need to come back to us now. We want to help you.”
    He closed his eyes and bowed his head as if praying, but Nikolai knew he was acting like a conductor and summoning a charge to send through her. Nikolai gritted his teeth and prayed it didn’t hurt her too much. He’d been shocked by one of these creatures, and he hoped to never experience it again.
    Darvaak exhaled slowly, and Elena’s body jerked. Then she gasped, and her eyes flew open.
    “There you are, I’m so glad you decided to join us,” the Time Folder said with a smile.

    E lena had never seen a man this beautiful—well, except Nikolai, but they were different. This man was the exact opposite of her death angel. He was gentle with a soft voice. His blonde hair framed a fine-boned, angular face that featured crystal clear blue eyes—eyes that were eerily pale and intensely focused on her face. He was speaking to her, but it was difficult to isolate words. He was talking about food.
    Food. She was hungry. She tried to stand, but something constricted her. Turning, she bumped noses with Nikolai. His gold eyes locked on to hers as if he were trying to see straight inside her. “Steady,” he whispered. “You’re safe.”
    Safe. Nothing in her felt safe. The tangy smell of blood was all over his skin. Images of the evil creatures that invaded the hotel room flooded her head. She was one of them. “No!”
    Nikolai’s arms banded around her like steel. She needed to get away. Had to get away.
    The man with the gold hair put his hands on her shoulders. “Shhh. Be peaceful. You are under no threat.”
    Not from outside, but what about the monster inside her? The one with red eyes she saw in the hotel mirror. She struggled to free herself. She had to get away from the smell of blood. “Let me go!” Her voice sounded faint and distant.
    Nikolai released her, and she leapt off of his lap and skittered as far away as the blasted cord would allow. “You have to let me go.” She covered her nose and mouth. “The smell.”
    The blond man stood. “See? You didn’t take my word for it. You stink, Itzov.”
    “Shut up and help her,” Nikolai shouted.
    The guy walked to a marble-topped bar and picked up a drink. “Why, Nikolai Itzov, if I didn’t know better, I would think the great Slayer had a weakness after all.”
    “My only weakness was in my judgment—to think that coming here was a good idea. Thinking that you could help us.”
    The blond man drank the contents of the glass in one shot. “I can.”
    “Then do it, dammit.”
    He set the glass down gently. “There’s a price.”
    “There always is.”
    The two men stared at each other. Nikolai with a heated glare. The blond man with amusement. Both were equally beautiful and terrifyingly powerful. Elena held her breath.
    “One moment, please,” the blond man said, disappearing into another room. He returned quickly with a covered bowl. “Follow me.”
    The bathroom was enormous. Big enough for a party. The man set the bowl on a counter and picked up a remote control. After pushing a few buttons, the lights dimmed and water gushed from a wide spout into a huge, sunken tub in the center of the room.
    “I hate to see you roughing it like this, Darvaak. Compensating, perhaps?”
    The blond man simply smiled. “Life is good.”
    “Where is your mate?”
    He picked up the bowl and uncovered it. “I said life it good, not great.”
    “Did she ditch you already?”
    Elena held her breath as the man Nikolai had called Darvaak approached. He exuded confidence and power but didn’t seem to take offense at Nikolai’s obvious taunt. He reached into the bowl and pulled out a strawberry. “My life-mate hasn’t met me yet.” He held the strawberry in front of Elena’s lips and smiled. She couldn’t help but smile back. “Open please,” he

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