Kharis heard the question asked and held his breath as he waited for Kelly to answer. Parath turned to face his mate. He saw when their eyes connected and Kelly nodded.
“Serelath, I came to Qetera on a ship commanded by Commander Etor. He rescued my damaged transport after it flew through an asteroid field.” She smiled smugly as the dragon.
Kharis and Serelath both stared in amazement. A surge of pride filled him as he hugged his mate to him again. This was the greatest news! A female, not from Qetera has formed a bond with one of their dragons!
Are you satisfied, dragon? Parath asked the beast.
You have truly been blessed, my friend. It is a very rare thing indeed to see a female have a mind link with a dragon and even rarer to be the mate of said female. The gods and goddesses have a reason for giving you this precious gift, but only time will tell why. Serelath turned to Parath and bowed his head this time in respect. Let us go inform all the other dragons. This is a time for celebration! He jumped into the air and flapped his great wings to keep him in place while he waited for Parath.
I will be back soon , Parath said to Kelly.
“Be careful!” she shouted back as the pair flew off in the direction of the mountain peaks.
Chapter 6
After the pair of dragons flew away, Kharis scooped Kelly up into his arms. He was going to make her his mate right now. He had waited long enough to claim her and he couldn’t wait any longer.
“What are you doing?” Kelly shrieked.
He walked back inside and headed to the bed they would now share. “I am claiming you as my mate!”
She bounced on the bed as he gently tossed her out of his arms. His eyes never left her as he began to undress. Her eyes grew wide and she licked those tasty lips as she watched his movements.
“Umm. Shouldn’t we talk about this? I mean…” she said as she tried to get on her knees in front of him.
He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his pants and shoved them down. His cock sprang free for the confining pants and pointed right at her. He grew even harder when her eyes travelled down his belly to view his cock for the first time.
“Shit! That’s not going to fit!” she squeaked out as he took a step to her.
“It will fir, my heart. I promise to go slow. Now, come here.” He stood at the end of the bed with his hands on his trim hips. He saw the emotions she felt as they rushed across her face. She licked her lips again out of nervous anticipation. “You don’t know what you do to me.”
She fell back onto her butt and tried to crab walked backwards. He wasn’t about to let her run again from him. He climbed on the bed, reached for her ankles, and pulled her to him. He didn’t waste any time before he lower his mouth to capture hers. He felt her resist him as he beckoned her to open her mouth and let him in.
His body covered hers as he kissed her. He used on hand to lightly skim along her side until he came to the outline of her breast through the shirt she wore. It was actually his shirt since she didn’t have much in the way of clothing with her. He raised off her somewhat so that he could give the nipple he felt through the shirt some attention. She moaned when he pinched the puckered peak and opened her mouth to let him in. He dove in to claim her mouth with his tongue. In return, she claimed his. The kiss grew quickly with need and longing.
His hand trailed back down to find the edge of the shirt that covered her stunning body. He desperately wanted to feel her skin pressed to his as he made love to her. Fingers gripped the edge and slowly raised it over her thighs and stomach. He felt a small quiver in her stomach as his hand grazed the pale skin. He pulled his mouth away from hers which made her groan in protest. Unable to get the shirt off her without letting her sit up, he decided to just rip it down the middle. Her
Laura Thalassa
Beverly Long
Juliet Marillier
Brian Martinez
Nicole Reed
Luke Ahearn
Tawny Taylor
William Saroyan
Natasha Thomas
Henry M. Paulson