Krakens and Lies

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Book: Krakens and Lies by Tui T. Sutherland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tui T. Sutherland
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the last thing he’d thought he’d ever say about Jasmin Sterling. He stroked the Captain’s trunk between his eyes.
    â€œIt’s true,” Zoe said, coming into the room with Blue. She set the smoothie down on the table and came over to lean against the mammoth’s side. “I love her, Captain. She’s safe.” Logan felt the Captain’s breathing start to slow down. He held out his trunk and Zoe took the end of it in her hand.
    â€œFirst of all,” Jasmin said, “no one who loves me would ever make me drink whatever that is. And second of all: Zoe! THERE IS A MAMMOTH IN YOUR HOUSE.”
    â€œI was trying to save your life ,” Zoe argued. “And his name is Captain Fuzzbutt.”
    Jasmin stared at Zoe for a long minute. And then she started laughing.
    â€œZoe!” she said, wiping away tears of laughter. “Okay, now I know he’s yours. Remember that toy elephant I gave you for your sixth birthday?”
    â€œColonel Flopnose!” Zoe said. “Of course I do. She’s on my shelf between When You Reach Me and Walk Two Moons .”
    Jasmin looked at Zoe, and then her eyes started to fill with real tears. “Zoe,” she said.
    A heartbeat later, Zoe was across the room with her arms around Jasmin. The two girls leaned into each other, crying. Blue edged around them and flopped down on one of the beanbags. Logan shifted uncomfortably and focused on patting the Captain’s side.
    â€œI miss you,” Jasmin sobbed.
    â€œI’ve missed you so much ,” Zoe said. “I’m sorry, Jasmin. I’m so so sorry.”
    â€œI still don’t know what I did,” Jasmin said, pulling back and wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands. “Was it because of Jonathan and Ruby breaking up? We always knew that would happen.”
    â€œNo, it’s—it was all—this,” Zoe said, waving one hand at the mammoth and the rolling grassy hills of the Menagerie outside the glass doors. “It’s complicated.”
    One of the unicorns chose that moment to gallop past as though its tail was on fire.
    Jasmin blinked several times, then rubbed her eyes hard. “Did I—was that—?”
    â€œWhat do we do now?” Blue asked Zoe. He leaned back with his arms behind his head. Logan tried to match his coolness by leaning casually on Captain Fuzzbutt, but the mammoth shifted sideways and he nearly fell over.
    â€œDon’t kick me out,” Jasmin said. She whirled and grabbed Zoe’s hands. “Don’t stop talking to me again. Please, Zoe.”
    â€œMaybe she can help,” Logan said. “With your . . . other problem.” Would Jasmin be willing to help them stop her parents? Was it too risky to involve her? He didn’t know her as well as Zoe did. For one thing, he would never have expected to see her cry, and he still felt a little nervous that she might write snide things about them on Twitter later.But if Zoe decided to trust her, he would, too.
    â€œYes, maybe I can help!” Jasmin said. “Besides, if Mr. Random over there can be friends with your mammoth, why can’t I?”
    That sounded more like the Jasmin Logan was used to.
    A high-pitched squeal went off in the kitchen, followed by static and then a crackling noise, and then Matthew calling, “ZOE! ZOE! PICK UP!”
    Zoe hurried into the kitchen and grabbed the walkie-talkie. “Matthew?”
    â€œThere’s been an accident at the Reptile House!” Matthew shouted.
    â€œI knew it!” Blue yelled, surging to his feet. “The pyrosalamanders have escaped! This was their sinister master plan all along! Evacuate the town! Evacuate the state!”
    â€œBLUE, SHUSH!” Zoe hollered at him. “Matthew, what happened?”
    â€œIt’s Basil.” The walkie-talkie hissed and crackled again. “Something blew a hole in his cage and now he’s gone! He’s somewhere in

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