game’s changing everyday
so you need to watch your back.”
Hearing her sincere concern touched him. “Sure
thing. KnightForces is important. Silas needs us to stand the line,
which means we do whatever needs to be done to make that work.” He
looked over her shoulder and met Tyrese’s gaze.
“Right,” Tyrese said after a few
Asia nodded. “Right. But don’t be a damn
martyr. Bring your ass back here safe or I’m going to be pissed and
you won’t like that.” She turned and left him standing in the
conference room.
“Women, so emotional… but, yeah what she said,”
Tyrese said giving Angus a fist pound and then followed Asia out
the room.
Excitement from the thrill of the hunt coursed
through Angus’ veins. Anxious to start, he headed toward the gym
where Damian and Froggy worked. Through a series of small windows
lining the corridor, he saw a truck at the supply building and did
a quick scan to be sure full-bloods were unloading their supplies.
Inside, security scanned cargo and then cleared the opened boxes
for entry into the compound. It was a tedious but necessary process
to reduce the number of unauthorized individuals in the compound.
Silas refused to take chances with his den.
When he entered the gym, he stopped and watched
Damian spar with someone in the ring on the mail level. “ Bring
your right hand up a little and be prepared to lean back,” Angus told him.
Damian followed his instructions and missed the
punch aimed at his jaw. He took advantage of the opening and
completed a three-punch combination on his opponent, knocking him
to the ground. The man lay still a while. Damian removed his gloves
and offered his hand. His opponent stood, nodded and left the
“Good job. Where’s Frogs?” Froggy was an old
full-blood who specialized in working with broken wolves. He had a
special touch that could coax the life back into any wolf he
focused on. When the former trainer, Stan, was hurt in an explosion
at the compound, Froggy had been given the position of training
Alpha candidates.
“Back in the office going over assignments for
the trainees coming. He keeps everything ready and in tip-top shape
but he’s a worry wart,” Damian said grabbing a bottle of water and
draining it.
Angus hit the back of Damian’s head, causing
him to choke. “Not a worry wart, just careful, a perfectionist. You
should take notes.”
“Why? I won’t be working here much longer, I’m
transferring to KnightForce.” They walked toward the
“Reviewing information, two, three times is
always a good trait to make sure you don’t miss anything. I do it,
Asia does too, we all do that, it’s a part of processing
Damian nodded but didn’t say
“You settling okay?” He asked
“Yes, better than I thought. Sarita, she’s my
heart. Asia and Hawke are great. I’d like to get out more, see
women but I’ll have to settle for the lab techs for now.” Damian
Angus slapped him on the back. “That’s the
spirit, love the one you’re with.” He opened the door and stepped
inside the large office with security monitors filling half a wall.
Every inch of the building could be seen from this room.
Froggy sat at the desk placing checkmarks on a
piece of paper with his usual glass of ice chips and water. The man
sucked ice all day no matter the temperature outside.
“How’s it going, Frogs?” Angus asked looking
his friend over. Standing, the top of Frogs head hit below Angus’
chest. Small, wiry and brilliant described the man best.
“Good, good, no complaints. Got everything
ready for your recruits and this scamp.” He pointed to
Laughing, Damian hopped on top of the stool and
“Glad to hear it. I’m heading out in a few
hours and wanted to make sure this was taken care of before I
“Oh, you leaving so soon, didn’t you just get
back a few days ago?” Froggy asked, his dark brown eyes met
Sam Vickery
Jo Ann Ferguson
Jennifer Hilt
Patricia Thayer
Amy Love
Tabor Evans
Ilsa Evans
Rosemarie Naramore
Lyssa Layne
Honor James