KnightForce Deuces

Read Online KnightForce Deuces by Sydney Addae - Free Book Online

Book: KnightForce Deuces by Sydney Addae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Addae
Tags: IR - Paranormal
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bad behavior, which was
Jacques mistake for spoiling the woman.
    The background noise of the kids’ voices filled
the sudden quiet. Victoria looked away and shook her head. “It’s
not my fault she doesn’t visit me.”
    Rather than argue that point Jasmine laid it on
the line. “What do you think would happen if Renee knew the truth
about your babies?”
    Victoria frowned. Her mouth opened and then
snapped shut. “I want to believe she’d keep it a secret,” she said
slowly as if tasting the truth of her words. “But she would want to
study them, like she wants my grandbabies’ IQs tested. She wouldn’t
harm them but someone else might get a hold of her research and
that could lead to all kinds of problems.” Victoria placed her arms
on her belly as if protecting them. “I see what you mean. Also if
she visited more often, she could be used as a hostage or
something. Is Silas on top of that?”
    Pleased her mom snapped out of her selfish
stupor, Jasmine exhaled. “Yes, she’s being watched, let’s hope she
never finds out. Her life would change in a nano-second and I don’t
think she’d appreciate that.”
    “Unless, she found a mate.” Victoria laughed.
“A big, sexy Alpha guy, now that would be funny.”
    “No, it would create more problems,” Jasmine
said watching the kids.
    “Unless she is a breeder, a wolf mate would be
impossible and if that is not the case, it’s a problem. Can you
imagine wolves searching for mates among humans? The fallout… I
don’t even want to think about it,” Jasmine said and looked at the
children again.
    “Oh, I see what you mean,” Victoria said
    “Bathroom,” Rose said struggling to stand.
Jasmine stood and helped. Security stepped forward ready to assist.
David walked over to Rose and offered his hand. Smiling, she took
it and the two of them walked inside.

Chapter 8
    “Five half-breeds were kidnapped in a small
town near the base of the Rockies,” Silas told Angus, Asia, Tyrese
and Tyrone. “Chase wants to use a hammer to hunt down the rebels
when a smooth blade will do the job. Our number one mandate from
the Goddess is to keep our dual-nature hidden from the humans.” He
exhaled thinking how much more difficult it was with half-breeds
who didn’t know their wolf side.
    “So starting a visible war with the rebels is
out. We released the first airwave transmission from me and Cameron
an hour ago. Rone and Rese heard it and gave it a thumbs up. Hawke
is working to get the program uploaded to every Alpha before the
end of the day, starting with those in trouble spots, like
Maryland, Colorado and Virginia where they had the recent
    He looked at Angus for his update.
    “We’ve chosen a former Alpha trainee for each
state and for states with larger packs they’ll receive two. Notices
have been sent out and they’ll arrive in 36 hours for
administrative training. Our offices will be set up by then and
we’ll drill them in protocol and procedures,” Angus
    Silas glanced at his notes. “There has been an
increase of Alphas requesting assistance, so they need to head out
to the field as soon as possible.”
    “Yes, Sir,” Asia said. “Basically the three
days they’re here is for them to meet us, go over reports,
understand what KnightForce does and doesn’t do and get samples of
the root each of them must eat every day from now on.”
    Silas nodded. They grew the dark root on the
grounds and it was included in everyone’s diet to counteract the
poison the Liege used on full-bloods. “Each will receive a sample
to take and plant?”
    “Yes, Sir.”
    “Good. Tyrone, update me on the
    “The number is almost at 50; I’m having
problems staffing the western states Wyoming, Idaho and the
Dakotas. They claim only a few half-breed registrants and so far no
one is willing to relocate to those areas. But we’ll get them all
staffed eventually.” He glanced at Tyrese. “By reminding

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