the case law involved.” Will ran through the ten most relevant cases.
He again quizzed the group, and they again did well. They were ready for anything Kirshner would throw at them.
Chapter 31
Glass beer mugs slammed together as the group cheered at Lucky’s Bar; their two mid-terms were over. While Kirshner’s exam proved to be difficult, they all knew they did well – Amanda and Jack were especially confident in their scores.
The group went over all the issues they each had spotted in Kirshner’s ridiculously long hypothetical question. They laughed and did Jell-O shots for hours. For the first time since they had started law school, they felt like they could actually be lawyers someday.
As the bar began to fill up with its nightly customers getting off from work, the group realized it was time to stop celebrating and get back home. They had spent the last few weeks focusing exclusively on their Legal Writing and Criminal Law exams – they had a lot of making up to do in Property and Torts.
They quickly paid their tab and got into Jack’s Escalade. Even though Jack drank just as much as everyone else, he had a very high tolerance for alcohol. He felt he was okay to drive the short distance back to the dorms.
Abrams fell asleep on Sean’s couch for an hour only to be woken by his wife’s phone call wondering where he was. Abrams stumbled out to his car and drove away, smacking himself in the face a few times to try and sober himself up. He chewed on pieces of gum to help take the alcohol off his breath. He skidded off the round as his head bobbed around, doing his best to focus his eyes onto the road, but he could not keep them open. His car went completely onto the shoulder and into the grass along the road. He felt rocks and dirt under his tires and quickly awoke to see a utility pole right in front of him. He turned the wheel with all his might, just missing a tree. Abrams laughed; he loved the thrill of nearly running into a tree.
C hapter 32
Two days later, Will rushed to get to Kirshner’s class on time after he had left his textbook in his dorm room and knew that he needed it for class. Even though they just had a test, Will knew that Kirshner would not give them any breaks if not prepared for class.
Will slipped in right before Kirshner walked into the classroom – he was safe. Kirshner had an annoying smug look on his face as he stood in front of the class just to the right of the podium. “I have begun grading your examinations,” he shouted.
“I am not impressed so far. Even worse, we have some cheaters among us.”
The students remained silent. A few looked around the room wondering who had the guts to cheat on a law school exam – especially a Kirshner exam. Before they began class, each law student had to attend an orientation that spent a lot of time discussing the honor code. The Law School Honor Code was similar to the state Code of Ethics that each attorney had to abide by. A violation in the honor code would most certainly result in the end of a law career – especially a violation as serious as cheating on an exam.
Their class flew by at rapid speed, and none of the group were picked on, ridiculed, or made fun of – it was a good day. Immediately after class, they all walked to the student lounge to check their mailboxes. Each law student had a mailbox where the teachers, clubs and other school organizations could communicate with the students.
They crashed onto the couches and watched the news in amazement. They caught the tail end of a Fox News update on the search for the Miami Mangler, the serial killer who continued to evade the police. But what really caught everyone’s attention in the room was the story about a possible cure for cancer. Apparently, a natural cure for cancer was found using part of a flower that could only be found in the Amazon jungle, called the Dalius flower.
“Sounds like bullshit to me,” Abrams mumbled.
“Does sound a little crazy to me,
Molly MacRae
Melody Anne
S.R. Grey
Kylie Scott
Ellen Harper
Thurston Bassett
Pauline Baird Jones
Barbara Wood
Terry Hale