from Lada.
“Yeah, Maia explained it to me in quick detail. The demons attacked our families outside Exsilium and we lost a lot of fallen during it,” I answered, taking my cup and ending off with a large swallow of it.
“Yip, and because of that all families were called back to Exsilium, and the access was blocked off. That’s where Corra comes in,” Lotan continued.
“Corra, who’s that?” I asked.
“Corra is the central intelligence unit for Exsilium and all fallen, you and all the other new Apprendos will meet her after we have completed Nanini’s meal,” Chax said, walking into the kitchen to get some coffee. Okay, what the hell did he just say? Confused, I looked at Lotan and Lada asking for some assistance.
“Abby here is quite the genius, she created a living sphere that helps connect all fallen, but most of all helps you gain access into and out of Exsilium. If you are not synchronized with her, you won’t get near Exsilium,” Lotan explained.
I looked over at the shy girl at the end of the table, so engrossed with the thing in her hand that she had no idea that we had just mentioned her name and intelligence. So, if I’ve got this right, this little girl created some sort of plug-in computer or something. Yeah, um I think I’ll wait and see this whole thing out. I turned my head back to Lotan and Lada and found them smiling at me.
“Yeah, we know. Unbelievable, right? Wait until you see, but most of all feel, it. That will have you stunned for a day or two,” Lotan finished, giving Lada a peck on the cheek that had her blushing.
“Kasadya, you and the rest need to finish up. As explained, we still have to stop at Corra for your synchronizing before we can go to the arena for the daily training session. From there we serve in Perth tonight. I suggest you all get moving or we will be late.” When Chax finished speaking he walked out of the kitchen, leaving his empty cup on the counter. Okay, apparently some things still haven’t changed, back to “Move it, Kasadya.” Sighing, I finished my cup of coffee just as Nanini planted a plate of food in front of me. We ate quickly to ensure we did as we were told. Taking a bite, I saw that Max had his eyes on Nanini. Well at least I am not the only one with a Custos problem.
We made like cheetahs to get finished. Walking out of my room, I bumped into Ryan and Ben who were dressed and ready for action. “So you guys ready for this?” I asked, sliding in my swords.
“By this, do you mean the weird intelligence stuff, or the weird people?” Ryan asked, smiling at me.
“Both, I suppose. I told you guys this place was, how did I put it? Different,” I carried on, trying to keep my smile back.
“Yes, but you never mentioned that we would be trained by little girls,” Max piped in, joining us from the back.
“Oh come on, Max, she can’t be that bad. Thank the Lord you didn’t get Chax. In a few minutes you are going to see how lucky you are. Chax has one rule, and that’s no rules. You survive him, and you get to serve in the future. You don’t and yeah you get my point,” I finished as we reached the bottom of the stairs. The others were already waiting. No way in hell could they be finished before us. And of course Chax was standing there with his “you are wasting my time again, Kas” look. Oh just freaking great.
Joining them, I avoided his death stare and smiled at Nanini who was jumping around like mad again. “Seeing that we are all here, let’s get a move on,” Chax said and moved outside. We followed the group to an open stone circle. Engraved on it were weird symbols and stuff. They all walked to stand in the middle of it, and then turned to stare at us; little Abby’s eyes looking at the surface trying to find something. “This is called a gate, it is a direct teleport to Corra, brace yourselves,” Chax explained then closed his eyes. Holding on to his cross
C.A. Salo
Ruth Hamilton
Mallory Monroe
Meg Cabot
Niki Settimo
Ana W. Fawkes
Max Brand
Rowan Coleman
Joyce Maynard
Joyce Swann, Alexandra Swann