Hurricane Butterfly

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Book: Hurricane Butterfly by Mechelle Vermeulen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mechelle Vermeulen
Tags: Romance, new adult, Hurricane Butterfly
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keep my feelings locked up in, for my own protection, and hers.
    Vengeance has become my drug. Hate, the venom that keeps my demons alive, demons that will swallow her whole. I am the devil falling for this angel lying in the crook of my arm, breathing life into my stone cold heart.
    A buzzing sound pulls me out of my sleep. I turn my head and look at the empty bedside table, just the phone, and no whiskey. This must be a dream. I lift my head from the pillow when something stirs behind me.
    It takes a few moments to realize that the angel lying curled up next to me isn’t a dream, she’s real. The voice inside of me telling me I’ve fucked up is loud and clear. I swing my legs off the bed, careful not to wake her, grab the phone, and walk into the bathroom.
    “It’s me, I have news.”
    I rub my hand over my face. Mutt’s Irish accent streams through the line. “What’s up?”
    “My contact at the strip club went home with Colby. She said there’s some kind of fucking shrine in one of the rooms. A girl’s photo with candles and shit.”
    “Who is she?”
    “Don’t know, not your sister.”
    “What else?”
    “An old phone with a message from your sister. It’s from the night she died. “
    “What does it say?”
    “She wants to take the baby away.”
    I feel the blood freeze in my veins. What the fuck!
    “What you want me to do?”
    “I’ll call you when I’m back. See what you can get on the girl, I need to know what her connection to him is; maybe she knows something. Take the phone.”
    My hand clenches around the phone as I lower it from my ear. That fucking cunt! He got her pregnant, then got rid of her and his fucking spawn.
    My fist stops inches from the mirror as hate looks back at me. Inhale…‌exhale…‌I look at the empty bottle in the bin. Fuck!
    What better alibi than to get rid of his child by making it look as if a chronic depressed little rich girl cut her wrists. With her history of cutting there’s probably enough evidence to argue her death was suicide. That’s it. The one chance of getting justice for Lilly. I won’t rest until it’s over. Suddenly, I remember the file from Mom’s lawyers. I haven’t had time to look through it. Maybe there’s something in there I could use. I need to get back.
    My eyes drift to the bed and an overwhelming feeling of possession spreads through me as the small bundle underneath the white sheets stirs. I hold my breath and count to ten then open my fists as my anger starts to crumble.
    If ever there was a girl I could see myself being with it is this girl, but like with everything in my fucking life, the timing is all wrong. The best thing for her would be if I walk out of here and let her get on with her life. Standing on the edge of the bed and watching her sleep is the most peaceful I’ve felt in years. The calm that radiates from her is a light in which I could bask for eternity.
    She is the once in a lifetime chance you get if you’re good, deserving; I am neither. Falling for this angel is the easiest and the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Chapter 17
    ~Just breathe~
    My fingers touch the purple red mark on my inner thigh where Josh has marked me.
    Being with him was the most terrifying and thrilling experience, I’ve ever had. There was a strange mysterious feeling inside of me that took control of my body and mind. The anticipation when he looks at me with his eyes the color of a storm brewing, the explosion, which sets me off as one orgasm rolls into the next, pushing me over the edge of no return. The soft groan coming from his throat when he opens me up, torturously slow with a promise of unfathomable pleasure.
    The girl in the mirror staring back at me isn’t a scared insecure virgin who is ashamed of her body anymore. There are other things that scare me now…‌like the thought of losing this…‌whatever it was we had.
    We haven’t talked about it, or anything else for that matter. My head is

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