Holiday Affair
legs. Pushing past Nick on the narrow veranda, she walked to her back door. Nick made no move to stop her and she didn’t look at him as she closed the door firmly behind her.
    “I’m thinking of taking some leave.”
    Lissy had slept like the dead for the first time in a week and woke in a panic when she realized she was going to be late on her first day back at work. Getting dressed as quickly as she could and skipping her morning coffee, she ran to her car and drove across town to the university.
    Grabbing a coffee from the cafe, she was greeted by two colleagues from her faculty.
    “More leave! You just got back, Melissa.” Jenny knew Lissy well enough to know when something was bothering her. “Is everything okay? Why do you need more leave?”
    “Anyway,” chimed in Clare, “the head of faculty has cancelled all leave applications until the current budget period is over. That’s three months away. Besides, who wants to leave now? You should see the new professor.
    Everyone’s been running around this morning trying to get a glimpse of him. Talk about a hunk. Roared up the drive on a big black motorcycle. Drop dead gorgeous…
    looks like he just stepped out of the latest Pirates of the Caribbean movie.”
    Lissy pulled a face. Jenny hurried them along. “Come on, gals, we have to be in the conference room in five minutes for a faculty meeting.”
    Lissy hurried to her office, juggling her handbag, briefcase, laptop and coffee before she placed them on the floor next to the door. Her hands shook as she pinned up a couple of curls that had come loose. Using the mirror behind the door of her office, she reapplied her lipstick before picking up her laptop and coffee and heading for the conference room.
    Most of the faculty were already seated at the large conference table and several of her colleagues greeted her as she hurried past. She found a vacant seat at the far end of the table just as Professor Andrews, the head of the history faculty, entered the room, accompanied by the new associate professor.
    Lissy took a deep breath, determined to remain calm and professional as Clare kicked her under the table.
    “See what I mean,” she whispered. “Johnny Depp look-alike.” Lissy scowled at her.
    “You’re incorrigible. Besides, Johnny Depp has dark hair and a moustache!”
    As Professor Andrews called for quiet, Lissy sat back and caught Nick looking down the table directly at her. His hair was darker, as the sun-bleached thatch had been trimmed to a neat short back and sides since she had last seen him. The relaxed and easygoing buccaneer had disappeared and in his place was the clean-shaven academic clad in a three-piece suit and tie. Lissy glared at him down the length of the table, and he raised a sardonic brow.
    “I would like to welcome you all to this morning’s meeting and thank you for interrupting your busy schedules,” intoned the deep voice of Professor Andrews.
    “This morning Professor Dominic Richards joins our history faculty and we extend a warm welcome to him.
    I will introduce him to you individually at the morning tea after the meeting.” He continued with the faculty arrangements for the rest of semester and his monotonous voice fell into the background as Lissy mulled over the situation she found herself in at home, and at work.
    I should be able to avoid him for most of the time. I’ll continue my research in the library, and hopefully, he will take the vacant office on the next level. I won’t go near the Richards farm, and if there are any faculty social activities, I’ll go down to the coast for the weekend and I’ll—
    “ Dr. McIntyre?” she felt another kick to her leg under the table from Clare.
    “Dr. McIntyre!” repeated the head of faculty.
    “Yes, Professor Andrews?”
    “As I was saying, I would like you to meet with myself and Professor Richards after morning tea, to organize the project.”
    “The project?”
    “Yes, Dr. McIntyre, the project.”

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