Hammer's Fall (The Breakers' Bad Boys)

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Book: Hammer's Fall (The Breakers' Bad Boys) by Laurie Roma Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurie Roma
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between her and any other man. No, Jared was special. Her emotions were always so out of control when she was around him. It made her feel vulnerable in a way that left her scared to open herself completely to him.
    He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his lips to her shoulder gently. “I’m sorry, baby. I should have protected you. I swear to God I have never been with anyone without using a rubber since I was fifteen and too stupid to know better.”
    “Fifteen? My, you were an early starter.”
    His rumble of laughter vibrated through his chest into her body. In reaction, her pussy tightened on him, flexing around the semi-hard shaft that was still buried deep inside her. His laughter abruptly cut off, and she felt his cock swelling inside her again.
    “Fuck,” he muttered.
    “I thought we just did,” Kali said with a giggle, then yelped as he bit her shoulder lightly.
    “You, my little fairy, are a tease.”
    “How can I be a tease when you’re still inside me?”
    “Good point.” He sighed. “I just want you to know that I had a full check-up when I had my knee surgery and I’m completely clean. Since then I haven’t been with anyone else.”
    Hammer didn’t want to scare her and say that since the first time he saw Kali his dick hadn’t seemed to react to anyone but her. Just thinking about her could make him hard as hell, but other women just didn’t seem to appeal to him anymore. He only wanted his little fairy, and here she was, splayed out in front of him on the stairs with her pussy hugging his cock like it didn’t want to let him go.
    Hell, if he could stay inside her forever he’d be a happy man.
    “I’m clean, too. I just got myself checked out after I found out David cheated on me and I’m on the pill,” Kali said. Her eyes widened in surprise as his cock twitched inside her.
    Yeah, both he and his damn dick liked the thought of being able to come inside her again with nothing between them. It was a primitive response he hadn’t been ready for. He’d never thought of having sex with any woman without the added layer of protection, but after feeling her slick heat bare, it would be impossible not to want it again.
    “So…are you saying you’re okay with me coming inside you when we fuck?”
    Shit! Why the hell did he say it like that? Was he brain dead? Kali wasn’t just some woman he wanted to jerk off inside…she was the woman he wanted to make his. Now that he’d had her he was damned if he was going to let some other asshole steal her away from him.
    “Umm…I guess so. If we are going to be dating exclusively, I mean.”
    Jesus, did she think that he wanted to go stick his dick in some other woman after he had his sweet, little fairy?
    Not. Going. To. Happen.
    Before he could do something stupid like take her again on the hard, wooden staircase, he slowly pulled out of her, missing the feel of her tight pussy hugging him so much he almost shoved it right back inside her. Instead, he hitched up his boxers and pants, then scooped her up in his arms. He loved the little squeal she let out as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She felt so slight in his arms and he lowered his head, unable to resist kissing her again.
    Damn, he had just taken her like some crazed animal, but he couldn’t seem to control himself around her. She was the kind of woman that deserved soft kisses and candlelight, not some quickie against the wall or on the stairs. He’d make it up to her and show her that she wasn’t just some easy lay to him.
    “We are exclusive, all right. You’re mine now, little fairy.”
    The bemused look on her face just made her even more desirable. Hammer couldn’t wait until he got her upstairs where he could fuck her on her bed…or the couch. Yeah, he might not be able to make it into the bedroom before he had her again. He started up the stairs, but she shook her head.
    “We need my keys. And we can’t just leave our clothes like that,” she said as she

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