Guardian Angel

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Book: Guardian Angel by Abbie Zanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abbie Zanders
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single, too, but he’s too young for you.”
    “Relax, Aidan.  I’m not looking for a hook-up.  What about Kane?  What does he do?”
    “You definitely want to stay away from him; the guy’s like a walking thundercloud.  I’m not sure exactly what he does, though.  Like I said, he’s not around much.  Lex says he’s got a place up in the mountains somewhere, likes to keep to himself.  The only reason he’s been hanging around Pine Ridge is because he’s been doing rehab at BodyWorks.”
    “For his hip?”
    “How did you know about that?”
    Rebecca had the good sense to blush a little.  “I was with him when he, uh, got shot.”
    “WHAT?!?!”  Aidan sat up so fast his coffee splashed over his lap.
    “Now, Aidan, you need to calm down.”
    “Calm down?  CALM DOWN?  Are you insane?  What situation could possibly put you and Kane Callaghan together and he ends up getting shot?”
    “Well, I don’t know what he was doing there, but I was travelling with the Sisters of Mercy.  We were delivering medical supplies to some of the villages of Namibia when we were attacked.  Kane saved my life.”  She shuddered, remembering the gleam in her captors’ eyes.  “The bullet got him when he was trying to get me out of there.”
    “Son of a bitch.  Not one of those bastards said a thing - ”
    “They didn’t know who I was, Aidan.  It’s not like we exchanged ID’s.  All I knew was his first name, and I never told him mine.  We were running for our lives at the time.  I never expected to see him again, especially in Pine Ridge of all places.  I doubt he ever expected to see me again, either,” she added as an afterthought.
    “He saved your life?” he asked, still in shock.  “What happened to the rest of your group?”
    Rebecca lowered her eyes and shook her head.  “They’re all gone, Aidan,” she said quietly.  “I had to identify the bodies when the clean-up team came in.”
    Aidan pulled her into his arms.  “Oh, Becca.  I’m so sorry.”
    “Me, too,” she whispered.   

Chapter Five
    “N ot heading up to the cabin this weekend?” Michael asked casually several weeks later.  Kane shot him a suspicious glance, but Michael had wisely turned his attention back to helping Maggie create “care packages” of cookies for the families still displaced by the flood.  Their son Ryan was tucked against her hip, shooting Kane a baby-toothed grin around the slobbery cookie he held in his hands.
    It was the third weekend in a row that Kane had elected to stay in Pine Ridge, causing a lot of speculation among his brothers and sisters-in-law.  No one was stupid enough to ask him outright, though they thought they had a pretty good idea of what was keeping him local these days, and it wasn’t his overwhelming desire to help the less fortunate. 
    “Thanks for offering to take these down to the shelter, Kane,” Maggie said, placing the little bundles carefully into a larger box with her free hand.  “Your haircut looks nice.  And you shaved.”  She leaned in a little closer and sniffed.  “Mmmm, you smell good, too.” 
    Kane’s eyes narrowed slightly as he looked down and fixed her with one of his patented stares.  Michael winced.  It just wasn’t wise to say things like that around Kane; the man liked his privacy, and most definitely did not regard inquiries or suppositions into his life favorably.  There was a reason no one had spoken to Kane about his uncharacteristic interest in Aidan’s sister.  The Callaghan boys learned early on that when the eldest among them didn’t like something, it didn’t usually bode well for the rest of them. 
    Maggie, however, apparently chose to ignore the unwritten family guidelines of interacting with Kane, and Michael’s protective instinct had him positioning himself between them, just in case.
    “What?” Maggie said innocently, pushing Michael out of the way with impatience.  “He looks good!”

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