Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being

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Book: Goddesses Never Age: The Secret Prescription for Radiance, Vitality, and Well-Being by Dr. Christiane Northrup Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dr. Christiane Northrup
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caring about themselves. Tango is all about me, being in my body and feeling pleasure, but my dancing the tango gives others permission to indulge in their own gratification. Joy starts in our bodies, as nitric oxide and neurotransmitters, and then its positive energy heals our cells and then radiates outward to heal others and the planet. Dancing is a form of healing—in fact, any ecstatic experience can be healing not just for you but for others. Therapy is good to help you think differently and break patterns of pessimistic thinking or negative self-talk. But we have to be joyful, dance, and bring pleasure into our lives deliberately.
    Life’s too short to settle for the lousy theater seats, so buy the best or figure out how to become a volunteer usher so you can sit in the orchestra section. Get in touch with what really makes you feel good. Become an ageless Alpha Goddess of pleasure. In fact, make pleasure a sacrament. That will be a gift to yourself and the world.


    Women, delve deep into your primal power, beyond the
appearances, customs, and religions of this day. Delve into the
knowing that you have always had and always will—a knowing
that no religion can ever encompass and that no culture can
ever define. Delve deep into your belly and the brain that lies
there: the primal brain, your original voice, the voice that will
never betray you and will always lead you to the truth of love in
action, the being of joy, and peace: The Voice of Life itself.
    T oni had a recurrence of her Hodgkin’s disease, a type of cancer that affects the blood and lymph nodes. Hodgkin’s tends to lower your hemoglobin, or red blood cells, andToni was in the hospital with a fever and anemia. Her hemoglobin was dangerously low. A transfusion was ordered. No stranger to the power of the mind to influence the body, she asked her physician if she could hold off for a couple of hours and take the test again. Then she called a couple of natural healers who work over the phone and, with their guidance, envisioned rich, healthy blood cells traveling throughout her circulatory system. Sure enough, when the test was repeated, it showed her hemoglobin levels had jumped upward. In fact, she had as many red blood cells as if she had received the recommended transfusion of a unit of blood.
    When Toni shared this story with me, I wasn’t surprised. I thought about how when I went to medical school, we were trained to see health mechanistically, without regard to the power of the mind to affect our health. The influence of emotions and thoughts on our physical bodies is known as the placebo effect. This powerful effect is considered at best a medical curiosity and at worst a phenomenon that makes it difficult to test the efficacy of new pharmaceutical drugs. I have learned through decades of experience with patients, as well as countless scientific studies, that the placebo effect is powerful physical medicine. It can be harnessed consciously to create better health. Why wouldn’t we take advantage of that?
    As children, we’re fascinated by our bodies’ ability to heal a scraped knee or broken bone. But as adults, we often forget about the body’s remarkable capacity for self-repair. The key to this repair is understanding there is a balance between immunity and pathogens. None of us is completely free of threats to our health. Every body has cancerous cells in it along with microorganisms that could cause illness if not kept in check. Everyone’s body has manmade toxins in the bloodstream and organs. There’s no way to live a perfectly clean life, free of all pathogens. In fact, the fear of pathogens making you sick will depress your immune system, making it more likely that you will get sick.
    The very origins of Western medicine are rooted

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