Give Me Everything You Have: On Being Stalked

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Book: Give Me Everything You Have: On Being Stalked by James Lasdun Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Lasdun
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you kill all of “us” what will you do? everything you have is stolen … there will be nothing left to steal!
Subj: Fwd: Re: (more notes on your sadistic world)
To: [Sandy]
… I was begging for help. And fine, who the fuck am I? A former student, someone he could get a little “lift” from in the midst of his mid-life … Fine, but it hurts to see that he thinks me worthy of something to steal but not to support in any real way for it to be my own.
Subj: why do I bother forwarding this shit?
To: [her English academic]
James. He’s an innocent bystander. It’s almost as if he just walked past a window and I manipulatively called down for help. “Sir … Sir?”
Look, muslims are not like their Jewish counterparts, who quietly got gassed and then cashed in on it … my people are crazy motherfuckers and there will be hell to pay for what your people have done to them …
Subj: signs of the end of the world …
began with Janice’s limping.
why the fuck did you send me to her? was this supposed to be a joke on me? an inside jew-joke?
ha ha ha ha! So nice of you. And I’m a psychotic jaywalker because I believe in God and haven’t sold my soul to American cash?
you couldn’t have, without all the bullshit (incestuously paid-for) rave reviews you get, found me an agent to work with?
You steal.
You steal.
You steal.
Call it antisemitism, I call what you do arrogance and I call it disgusting.
Subj: I want my money back …
For the term you “taught me” and for the term you were my “advisor” but couldn’t even remember to bring me my work.
Subj: apologies …
I hope you don’t take anything I say seriously. I understand everyone is too chickenshit to help an insane woman. And no, I don’t expect you to pay me for what you stole. it happens all the time and why should you care about my nervous breakdowns? I never even fucked you …
Subj: a real, unpsychotic note
You are a kind man, James. I don’t think you’re the caricature of a white man but I’m hoping I’ve pissed you off. It brings color to the cheeks.
Mr. Horned God.
So tacky!
Subj: surrender …
you must be so perplexed.
i’m hoping my mean-streak doesn’t lend itself to calling your management company and telling them you rent the apartment out on weekends. I would. I hope I don’t. I really firmly believe that you need to absolve your guilt by giving me your keys.
(I hope I’m scaring you slightly. That would be exciting.)
I also believe you are on medication instead of dealing with why you and most Jewish people are sadistic. That is why your writing falls flat.
Subj: Harriet too … you fucked her too?
Is that right?
Well, I almost feel sorry for her because she obviously went from being a good writer to turning in nothing and you stole her writing too … in that story. You stole from everyone in our class.
I don’t feel that bad for her. She was another vicious, overly competitive Jewess …
I wish ill health and disaster …
for you and your family.
Baruch adonai,
jews in america
need to shut up. the crazy shit that comes out of your mouths spreads far and wide in a city filled with blacks, muslims and asians who’ve had it: This sort of projection doesn’t work and all of you pussies who sit around writing stupid shit and stealing from little girls are just as much to blame.
Go forward this to the anti-defamation league. They’re criminals too …
    *   *   *
    So the summer continued.
    I was bewildered, stunned, appalled, but at this time I didn’t take the actual content of the emails very deeply to heart. I regarded the outburst as something entirely freakish: an eruption of irrational fury that, unpleasant as it was to witness, had nothing to do with me personally. It would end soon, I believed, either in silence or in a mortified apology (a genuine one that would unconditionally retract all the false accusations instead of reserving the right, as her occasional

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