resisted arrest. You’re officially on the run from the law,” she pointed out casually, in the tone one might use when explaining the features of the dining room.
“Yes, I know, but why here ?”
Magdalene’s eyes lit with understanding and she graced him with a slightly mocking smile.
“Who would ever think to look for you here? It’s a well-known fact that you and my children do not get along, and I am an upstanding member of the Council itself, so there is no reason for me to harbor a fugitive.”
Calahan is a fool to underestimate this woman.
“Not that I don’t appreciate it and all, but why did you agree to hide me here again? As you pointed out, you will get into a world of trouble if old Cal ever finds out that I was here…”
Mrs. Trout had such a haughty look on her face that for a moment the resemblance to Oliver was alarming.
“It would take more guts than Calahan possesses to get up the nerve to search my estate,” she informed him coolly. “And unlike him—and some of his cronies—I am not shortsighted enough to risk the fate of the Nine Lands over a petty grudge. I’m convinced that if anyone stands a chance at defeating Aleric a second time around, it is you—the one who stopped him the first time he was powerful. You can hardly do that if you’re locked away in the Crystal Tower, and believe me when I say that if Calahan ever gets you inside that place, you will never see the light of day again while he is in power.”
Hayden shuddered at the thought.
“Not to sound like a nay-sayer, but people keep crediting me with beating my father when he showed up at my mother’s house, like I deliberately blasted him into that schism. But honestly, I still don’t remember what happened that day—I didn’t even know I had magic, so I can’t have overpowered him.”
Mrs. Trout pursed her lips and said, “Just because you don’t remember it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. You are currently our best hope, and so you are an integral part of our planning. At the very least, you’re a part of Aleric’s plans, and we must keep you from him for that reason alone.”
Hayden tilted his head to concede the point. As long as people knew that he didn’t have a solid game plan for besting his father in open combat, he didn’t mind them going out of their way to help him.
“So,” he said after another long minute of silence. “What do we do now?”
“See if you remember your way around well enough to find your old room. I need to be prepared for Calahan’s summons when he gets news that you’ve eluded him.”
“How angry do you think he’ll be?” Hayden asked curiously.
A truly evil smile lit Magdalene Trout’s face when she said, “He’ll be apoplectic.”
“Sometimes you frighten me,” Hayden pointed out mildly.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.”
Hayden was excited to take part in his very first strategy meeting in the effort against the Dark Prism. It was late that night when Mrs. Trout returned home from wherever she spent her days and summoned him back to the formal dining room. Bonk squawked at the lateness of the hour and stubbornly refused to be dragged out of bed, but Hayden was wide awake at the prospect of doing something productive, especially after spending the day alone in his room with only his familiar for company.
When he arrived in the large dining room, Masters Kilgore, Willow, Laurren and Asher were already seated around the table, as well as Master Mandra from Valhalla and—to Hayden’s utter disbelief—Kiresa, the Prism Master of Isenfall. Hayden’s last memories of Master Kiresa were not pleasant; during his second year of school the man had lied to him, terrified him, and then nearly let him die during the penultimate round of the I.S.C.
He didn’t realize he was standing there gape-mouthed until Kilgore said, “Take a seat and close your mouth before something flies into it.”
Shaking off
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