Frost Prisms (The Broken Prism Book 5)

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Book: Frost Prisms (The Broken Prism Book 5) by V. St. Clair Read Free Book Online
Authors: V. St. Clair
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realized my mistake, but he just laughed and told me to go to lunch.”
    “I doubt you’re going to fail Conjury just because of one mistaken crosshatch,” Conner said with a raised eyebrow at this gross overreaction.
    “I know I’m not going to fail the class—but it could be the difference between qualifying for the mastery level and having to repeat the level-five. I’m still hoping to get one of his apprentice positions too, which means I have to beat out about twenty other people, and every mistake counts against me!” Zane snapped, looking slightly unhinged. Hayden made a mental note of how his friend looked when he was feeling particularly off-kilter, for future reference.
    “Research isn’t all it’s cracked up to be,” Hayden offered in consolation. “Sure, it’ll be cool to actually discover something, but Asher and I have spent all year on one project and it still isn’t done. Mostly I just spend hours every day banging my head against the wall, in between doing whatever menial chores Asher is too important to do himself.”
    “You said the two of you were close to a breakthrough on your project though,” Tess pointed out mildly, watching idly as Bonk snuck a cherry off of her plate and devoured it in one bite—stem and all.
    “Well, that’s true…” Hayden allowed, before adding, “I doubt we’re going to get the chance to finish it up anytime soon though, what with current events.”
    Tess frowned thoughtfully and opened her mouth to say something consoling, when the doors of the dining hall opened rather abruptly and loudly, startling everyone.
    Hayden felt his stomach lurch at the sight of the three Council members who had just entered the dining hall, wearing the gold-and-black uniforms that signaled they were on official business. Hayden was only mildly relieved when he saw that Calahan wasn’t among them.
    Most of the Masters didn’t look surprised by the sudden visit, and Hayden looked around wildly for some sign of what he was supposed to do, but for some reason no one would meet his eye—not even Asher, who was on the opposite side of the room, eating with a group of third-years. The three Council members were rapidly scanning the room, obviously searching for something. Their goal became apparent when one of them spotted Hayden and nudged his colleagues.
    “Hayden Frost,” the man called out to him from the threshold as the three of them moved closer. Hayden stood up without knowing what exactly he intended to do. “I have a warrant for your detainment, co-signed by the Chief Mage and the High Mayor. You are to come with us immediately to the Crystal Tower, where you will be formally charged in the case of the Dark Prisms’s reappearance.”
    Most of the room fell silent when the Councilman started speaking, and still none of the Masters would meet Hayden’s eye. Bonk had taken flight sometime in the last minute and was hovering in front of Hayden, flapping his wings gently to keep himself aloft. At first Hayden thought that his familiar was trying to act as a shield for him, but then—for the second time in his life—he heard Master Asher’s voice magically amplified inside of his head.
    Tell them to take a hike and grab hold of Bonk!
    The Prism Master still wasn’t looking at him, but Hayden could see the man glancing through a mastery-level blue prism almost lazily, compounding it with a violet one that he was holding in front of him on the pretext of examining it for dust.
    There wasn’t time to question Asher’s instructions; the Councilmen were closing in on him fast.
    Drawing himself up to full height, Hayden called out, “I have better things to do than play Calahan’s stupid games. If he decides to get his head out of his butt and start hunting my father, then we’ll talk.” Then, not knowing what it would accomplish, he grabbed hold of Bonk.
    Between one blink and the next, Hayden found himself in the formal dining hall of the Trout estate. Magdalene

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