walk?” It was getting increasingly annoying.
“It is dark, and you cannot see.”
“Yet you can. Interesting.” Not really. Just scary.
“You already know I am not human.”
“What are you?” I jumped as I heard another growl.
“I will let you see for yourself.”
“Wonderful.” But not at all surprising; however, I preferred his mystery identity to the mystery of the growling.
He chuckled before sweeping me into his arms. “You are very entertaining. That might make the long trip to Belgard worth it.”
“I’m not entertaining. I’m boring.”
“You my dear, are anything but boring.”
“And that’s how I know that you don’t know me at all.”
I needed her . I regretted my decision the moment I realized she had actually listened. I had kept Gregor distracted, and part of me expected to find her waiting for me in the tower afterward.
But she had listened. She had run into the woods toward places she barely knew all based on my assurances. It had been the right decision, but not the one I wanted.
I could still taste her. Hours later I could still taste her on my tongue, and I wanted more. I wanted her with me. I wanted to know she was safe.
I had been rash to send her away. Maybe she would have forgiven me after all.
That was not my thought, and I knew it. That thought was my father’s. Ainsley had no thirst for power. She only wanted a happy life. And answers. She always wanted answers. Answers I could not give.
I looked out into the woods. She could not have made it too far yet. My body warred with me to follow her. To bring her back where she belonged.
The darkness was taking over. I could feel it in the increased strength running through my veins and in the thoughts in my head. I was angry. Angry that she listened . Did she really think I wanted her to leave?
But there was nothing I could do. And she was safer. A small part of me still understood the choice I made even if the rest of me did not.
I would have her back one way or another. But for now I had other things to contend with.
“Is she sleeping again?” Gregor joined me where I stood in the clearing.
I looked off into the forest. “When I left she was awake.” I was getting far too skillful at these half-truths.
“She will thank you when this is all over.”
“Maybe she will.” Although I had little confidence in that outcome. “Either way we have no choice.”
“You seem different.” He watched me.
I kept my eyes fixed straight ahead trying to ignore the stare that was clear even in my periphery. “Different?”
Gregor walked in front of me. “Yes.”
I met his eyes since I no longer had a choice. “I am done fighting my father.”
“It is about time. You are lucky. He gave you the power.” There was a wistfulness to Gregor’s voice that I completely understood. That did not mean I agreed with his words.
“There is no luck about it.” Every decision of my father’s was calculated. What I wanted meant nothing. He had chosen to use me for a reason.
“I am his son as much as you.”
“So it seems.” I searched Gregor’s face for any signs of familial resemblance. He lacked the blond hair I shared with my father, but there was something about his eyes that reminded me of the man who had raised me.
“You will get power once we achieve our goals.” I would tell him what he wanted to hear, even though I had no plans to share power with him.
“Waiting is unwise. It is far too great a power for one man. It will likely destroy you.” Gregor had little concern for my well-being, but he was searching for excuses.
“Our father survived with it.” I would never give such destructive and limitless power to a man who threatened Ainsley. Blood or not, he would never earn my trust.
“You are not our father.” His eyes locked on mine.
“Yet he gave me the power. He believed I could hold the weight of the Cipher.”
“He was wise, but even the wise can be misguided.”
“The Cipher is
Jordan Silver
Jack Hunt
Michele Sinclair
L. Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt
Bethany Bazile
Kiki Swinson
A Kiss in the Dark
Diana L. Sharples
Steve Ulfelder
Irwin Shaw