Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)

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Book: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) by L. A. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. A. Miller
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indecision and graciously declined. As she turned he thought he saw disappointment in her eyes and he almost reconsidered. When she stopped at the top of the stairs to look back his eyes held hers briefly as if he wanted her to know he had been watching her and wanted to follow. With a smile he then turned and followed his father from the room both in search of Ethan. He thought he could feel her eyes on his back and almost turned but he didn’t want to seem too obvious. Once in the study Ethan looked up and frowned as if sensing he had missed something important.
    “What ?” He asked looking first at Beckett than his father.”
    “Nothing much .” His father replied. “We just met your future sister in law.” He grinned as he studied Beckett.
    “Really…so how bad is it ?” Ethan asked as he looked at Beckett.
    “Actually .” Beckett said leaning against the bar. “A mild surprise.”
    “What ?” Ethan asked looking now at his father.
    “She ’s not what we expected.” His father agreed. “I don’t know what this family has over her head to get her to agree to marry Beckett but whatever it is we have the next year to take care of it.”
    “Wait what ?” Ethan asked surprised. “You just met her and you’ve already accessed she’s a damsel in distress?” He said looking first at his father than at his brother.
    “She’s definitely not cut from the same mold as the rest of them and by what I saw with Jasper she will most certainly need our protection.” Beckett said frowning as their mother appeared. Looking around the room at Beckett’s anger, Ethan’s confusion and her husband’s amusement she knew something was up and she wasn’t in the loop. Closing the door she leaned back up against it and with her hands on her hips she simply said.
    “Ok out with it…and I want all of it from the beginning .”
    Roark looked at his wife then looked to Beckett to tell the tale. When he had finished what had happened leaving out his attraction to Bailey his brother frowned at him in disappointment.
    “And you didn’t cold cock him ?” He asked.
    “It wasn’t the time or place .” He admitted. “But believe me if I read him right he’s going to give me another chance and I won’t be passing it up.”
    He noticed the way his parents exchanged glances and tilting his head cocked one eyebrow to them as he asked . “Care to share?”
    His mother only smiled knowingly then looking at her husband decided what she wanted to divulge and what she wanted to keep between them.
    “I was just thinking….maybe this marriage will not be such a bad idea.”
    “ How so?” Beckett asked suspiciously.
    “ If you and your father’s intuition are correct than it’s our duty as Birmingham’s to defend her. Can you imagine what might have happened if Jasper hadn’t been interrupted. I’ve seen the fear he inflicts on the staff and I’m sure his family has looked the other way on more than one occasion.”
    “If he thinks he’s going to touch her again he has another thing coming to him .” Beckett vowed and again his parents passed a knowing glance.
    Both he and Ethan chose this time to ignore it knowing they would only divulge what they wanted when they wanted. Ethan instead grabbed the folder taking it over to the table so they could sit and discuss their game plan over the next few days. Beckett found it hard to concentrate as violet eyes continued to distract his attention.  His thoughts were disrupted when his I phone buzzed and Macys face appeared on the screen. He had been avoiding her calls still trying to decide what to tell her but decided there was no point in delaying the inevitable. Motioning to his family that he needed to take it he stood and hitting the answer tab he left the room.
    “Macy hello….sorry I haven’t returned your calls it ’s been a little hectic with this new purchase.”
    “I was beginning to think you were trying to tell me something .” She pouted.
    “ It’s

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