Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series)

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Book: Forbidden Contract (The Birmingham Brothers Series) by L. A. Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: L. A. Miller
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younger female. By the fear in the maid’s eyes he quickly assessed the situation. When he saw his father on the move to defend her he motioned for him to stop.  It was time the Montgomery men understood their place in this situation and the roll the Birmingham men planned to take. He had been raised to defend a woman’s honor and the way Jasper was hurting her took every ounce to keep himself from charging him and throwing a fist into his smirking face.
    Once the situation was in control and he had seen the woman he was surprised by not only her beauty but her youth. She was a few years younger than he but it was deceptive because she didn’t wear much makeup. He realized she didn’t need it to enhance her looks and it probably would act as a distraction. When he saw the bruise on her wrist and how badly she was shaken his first instinct was to go after Jasper and give him a sound beating but he realized she needed his attention at that moment and he took charge. Ordering her a brandy would calm her nerves and when she refused he insisted knowing how much the liquid courage would help. He was doubtful when she told him she didn’t drink after witnessing the last few days of the rest of the Montgomery clan but when her eyes widened and she coughed as the liquid went down he realized she had been truthful. This not only amused but intrigued him. He realized he had the upper hand for that brief moment knowing her identity and he enjoyed the look of surprise when he introduced himself.
    He wondered what horrid stories she had been told but more importantly he wondered why she had agreed to this arrangement. Very little was know n about her except her father had been disowned when he married beneath his station. The only comments they had gotten out of her cousins was that she was lucky the family had come to her rescue before the authorities. He wondered if it was possible she was in trouble with the law. That seemed to be the norm with this family and it was only the families name and money that seemed to continue to bail them out over the years. He wondered what this woman could have possibly done to have the law after her.
    Beckett didn’t understand if it was the mystery that now attracted him or the look of innocence. He was definitely pleased by her appearance and despite the jeans and blouse he could see the definite curves that would entice a man to her bed. Her heart shaped face, high cheek bones and full lips defined her beauty but it was the violet eyes that drew his attention. He had never seen that shade of eyes before and wondered if she wore special contacts to achieve that effect. Somehow he doubted that and when he held her hand he felt the current of sexual attraction that passed between them. He wished to pursue it more until first his father appeared then the sound of young children disrupted them. When the little boy charged down and stood before them defiant ly he seemed intent on defending her honor. Beckett couldn’t help but smile in amusement as he tried to contain his laughter. Kneeling before the boy he studied him gauging him to be around 4 or 5, it was difficult due to his slight frame. He won points with the boy though when he shook his hand and pretended the boys grip was crushing his hand. Someone had taught him that and he could only assume it was another man. He looked up at Bailey and wondered who that was in her life, was it an old flame or current boyfriend? Suddenly he didn’t like the thought. When the little girl appeared crushing the boys confidence he immediately went into damage control bolstering the kids confidence when he acknowledge that superheroes needed to keep their identity confidential even among family members. He immediately won an ally with them both and thought he made points with Bailey. Why did that matter he wondered as he stood.
    When Alexis had invited him to follow he had almost said yes feeling the need to spend more time with Bailey but he sensed her

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