should have. “The papers are all there, if you have any questions, call me.” He turned and walked out leaving her leaning against the desk with her hand still against her cheek.
She wasn’t quite sure what he meant by a long time, since she’d only known him for almost a month. But, she did know that she’d never been kissed like that before. She knew she was small, but she didn’t want to be handled like she would break, at least not by him, and not in that way.
Her lips were still vibrating. Hell, her whole body was vibrating. She sat down in the chair since she was sure her knees would give out any moment. She could still taste him and she had wanted more. What was she thinking? She sat there for a few minutes playing it over and over in her mind.
The more she thought about it the more she was sure she wanted it to happen again. She had come here trying to start a new life and a new life meant no men. Period! End of story. No way! She couldn’t trust anyone again, let alone herself around someone new. But, why not take pleasure where pleasure was given? She needed to stand on her own, find out who she truly was.
But, wow, what a kiss!
Shaking her head to clear it of Todd, she glanced back down at the paperwork and started reading from page one. Two and a half hours later, she was to the point where she thought she might hyper ventilate.
There were papers scattered all over the desk. This couldn’t be right. She had gone over the figures at least six times. She had her copy of Matt’s will, which the lawyer had given her two days ago, along with a stack of other papers. Her hand was shaking slightly when she reached for the phone on the desk and dialed Todd’s number.
“Hmm, hello?” Lacey’s sultry voice came over the phone
“Hi Lacey, it’s me, Megan.”
“Hi Megan, Iian says that you’re coming to dinner tonight. You’ll love it; he’s going to make a special just for the occasion. Todd told me he dropped off the paperwork today, were you calling because you had some questions?”
“Yes,” Megan began. “Actually, quite a few, is Todd there by any chance?”
“Hang on a minute, he’s out feeding the horses. Let me just ring him in the barn.” Megan could hear another dial tone, then more ringing. Todd’s voices came over the line. “Yeah, what’s up?”
“Hey Todd, Megan had some other questions about the papers. See you tonight Megan.” And there was a click before Megan had time to answer back.
“Um, Hi, I just had a few questions about some of these figures.” Megan began, she felt awkward, but wanted to clear up any confusion she had.
“Well, how about I finish up with the horses and come over, then we can head over to the restaurant for dinner? Iian says that you were going over there tonight.”
“Yes, that sounds fine, thank you.” Megan felt like a teenager making her first date.
“I’ll see you in about an hour then?”
When Megan hung up the phone, she felt her cheeks turning pink all over again. As she went to go upstairs and change, she passed the mirror hanging over the coat rack by the door. Not only were her cheeks pink, her eyes sparkled. She had to stop this. What power did Todd posses to make her body react this way?
Think Megan! She told herself. New life, no man, new life, no man. She chanted it to herself as she jogged up the stairs. An hour didn’t give her a lot of time to get ready. With her broken arm, things seem to take double the time.
By the time she heard Todd’s car drive up, she was as ready as she would ever be. She had just walked out of the bedroom, when she heard the front door open, then a small curse, and it closed again. She had reached the top of the stairs when she heard the knock. She chuckled, he really was used to just walking right in. When both Iian and Lacey came over they had seemed very comfortable around the house, moving as if it was
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