Fearless: Complicated Creatures Part Three

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Book: Fearless: Complicated Creatures Part Three by Alexi Lawless Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexi Lawless
Tags: Fiction
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Lightner’s already been captured—”
    Sandro’s face was grim. “He escaped and we think he’s left the UK. The CIA, Interpol, and now MI-6 are all searching for him.”
    “Yeah—it’s been kicked up from MI-5 to the international level now. Look, it’s not safe here, Gianni —not for you or for Samantha. Her team is protecting her. Now you need to let me protect you.”
    Jack wanted to protest. He wanted to struggle—but resistance in this instance was futile. He was a ridiculous mess, chained to a hospital bed in the throes of a terrible addiction he had yet to kick. If Jack was going to be good for anyone, much less able to stand up to whatever came next with Lucien Lightner, he had to get his shit sorted.
    He closed his eyes. “When do we leave?”
    His father pressed a cold, damp cloth to Jack’s feverish skin. “Tonight. I’ll take you to Italy tonight.”
    Jack nodded feebly, giving himself over to the exhaustion as the sickness left his body. “What day is it?” he whispered, drifting.
    “It’s Christmas, Gianni ,” his father answered sadly, wiping the sweat from Jack’s brow, his touch as tender as it had been when he was a boy. “Rest now. It will be okay. Ti sono vicino .” 10
    December—Christmas Morning
    Asklepios Klinik Barmbek, Hamburg, Germany
    W E S L E Y
    Wes walked down the hospital corridor feeling lighter than he had in days. Sam was through the worst, and the doctors had given her the go-ahead to leave Hamburg within the next couple days. That gave Wes plenty of time to convince Sam to let him travel with her to Texas, but Carey was adamant that everyone should leave Sam alone for the time being so she could get her rest. Wes didn’t like it, but he could get behind it. He strode up to Evan and Talon where he saw them talking in the waiting room.
    “Merry Christmas, guys,” Wes said as he handed them fresh coffee and warm apfelstrudel he’d bought from a German bakery nearby. “It ain’t turkey dinner, but it beats the shit out of the crap you get from the vending machine.”
    “Oh God, thank you,” Talon groaned gratefully as he bit into the pastry. “Five more of these, and I’ll be all set.”
    “Five more of those and you’ll be flat-out in a sugar coma,” Evan drawled before sipping his coffee. “Man, that’s good. Thanks, Wes,” he said sincerely, rubbing his bloodshot eyes with his free hand.
    “You guys left the hospital?” Wes asked.
    Talon grunted, shaking his head as Evan glared down the corridor at Alejandro de Soto where he stood sentry at Sam’s hospital door.
    “I hate that guy,” Evan muttered.
    “Everyone hates that guy,” Wes replied with a shrug. “That’s sort of his super power.”
    Talon eyed him with a dark expression. “He really trained with Sammy?”
    “Yeah,” Wes answered with a nod as he drank his own coffee. “He was a couple years ahead of her in ROTC, but those two were always neck and neck.”
    Like he knew they were talking about him, Alejandro turned his head toward them. Talon and Evan stared back. The tension between the three of them was thick enough to ride a surfboard on.
    Wes watched as Alejandro lifted a thick, black brow, his expression sardonic.
    “I fucking hate that guy,” Evan repeated in a rare show of vehemence. Usually he was the more laid-back one.
    Wes shot him a questioning look.
    “Sam’s sending me to London to run the office. The guy who used to do it was killed protecting Jack,” Evan explained.
    “Simon Michaelson can’t do it?” Wes replied, surprised Evan wouldn’t be guarding Sam at Wyatt Ranch with the rest of the crew.
    “Would you trust Simon Michaelson to run a multi-million-dollar business on his own?” Evan replied with an eye-roll.
    “Good point,” Wes ceded. “You out today then?”
    “Right after you all jet.”
    “What about you?” Wes asked Talon.
    “I’m helping Carey run the Chicago office while he gets Sammy situated,” Talon

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