before I lost consciousness. There was a voice that I thought sounded like mine. Hers might be it, though after having woken up, it's hard to see how I ever got the two mixed up. If I'm right, then I think she's the reason I'm still alive. I think she saved me.
I don't think I'll ever be able to repay her for that. But I guess I can try.
Linus was toggling with a transceiver of some kind when I found him.
There's a wedding ring on his finger. He thumbed at it a few times when I met him, so it's not like he doesn't know that it's there. It isn't something that he's forgotten he's wearing.
We didn't get much of a chance to talk. But for whatever it’s worth, I hope that wherever his wife is right now, she's doing fine. Things around here are bad enough as is. But it seems that all we have nowadays is the hope that things will eventually get better.
Hopefully it’s all we’ll need.
1:31 PM
The diary ended at that. And by the end of it Grace wondered if she really should have been reading it at all. It probably wasn’t the right thing to do. But what was she thinking? It definitely wasn’t the right thing to do.
Grace had already read enough of Vanessa’s diary without her consent. Best to stop now, lest she get too used to prying.
On the roof, Grace looked out in search for any sign of a truck, specifically one marked Costco on the side. It was what Atton and Eli drove in when they left. They were out scavenging for supplies the same as they always did. Only difference was that as of today, it was the longest time they’d ever been out. Or so she thought.
She peered down at every road, block, and street within the vicinity for a moving truck. The only times she thought she saw them was when she mistook the parked cars on the curb for ones that were moving.
It didn’t take until the first sign of dusk for her to realize how long she’d been waiting.
5:32 PM
Dear Lord,
Every day I step foot on this roof, I think to myself that today’s going to be the day I find someone out there; someone in need of help. After three long weeks of looking, you gave me, us, Vanessa. And for that I am grateful. Had it not been for your guidance, we wouldn’t have been there to help her.
Lord, I try not to ask for too much. But it’s been a day and a half now, and Atton and Eli haven’t shown up. I don’t know where they are. I don’t know if they need our help. It pains me to think of the worst, and yet I can’t help myself. Who knows what’s going on out there?
We don’t come across many people these days. That’s made everyone we find all that much more precious. Lord, I know that you’re listening to me. I know that you can hear me. Please take this time to bless Atton and Eli. I pray that wherever they are, you’re right with them to guide them on their path back home.
In Jesus’ name I pray
6:42 PM
The growling in Grace’s tummy went off when she remembered she had to cook. She went back downstairs, and aimed to prepare a serving of boiled potatoes and beans. Something small and simple. Easy to make, and most of all quick. She was far too preoccupied to concentrate on making anything that required more time and effort.
When she saw the kitchen off in the distance, it shined with an aura of bright illumination.
From the order window, Grace saw Linus and Vanessa. They were talking to each other and smiling. She went in from the open door that read Staff Only .
“ And what is going on here?”
There were several lamps in the kitchen, all hooked up to the portable power outlet that Linus had been using to power his radio. That was why the kitchen was brighter than usual. Grace had only ever kept one electric lantern in the kitchen for use at night. It ran on AA batteries, which made it efficient since the store had mounds of AAs. But the lamps in the kitchen now were plug-only. And for that they were vastly more effective.
Vanessa thumbed the tip of a plastic
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