Fashionably Dead in Diapers

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Book: Fashionably Dead in Diapers by Robyn Peterman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Peterman
Tags: Humor, paranormal romance, Romantic Comedy
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was exactly what I was banking on. Fairies were some of the deadliest warriors around. I silently thanked The Kev again for my training. He was the most deadly of them all, evidenced by the way he was ripping through Fairy after Fairy as they tried to abduct Gemma. Ethan had killed his share and was headed for the nursery. With a quick nod and one last decapitation of a Fairy on his way out of the room he winked. God, he was hot. A man who could rip the head off a magical asshole and then make my panties wet while I was getting ready to kill a shit-eating immortal bully was a total keeper. That calmed me greatly. My son would be fine with his father and the old hags. I needed to off the rude dude and make sure Gemma escaped.
    I closed my eyes and pulled magic from the darkest part of my soul. This was over. Now. The pain shot through my body like hot knives, carving up my insides. I jerked and convulsed as the black magic coursed through my system. The Fairy laughed. I glanced up through my agony and I smiled. That was the last thing he expected and it was the last thing he saw. My scream hurt my own ears, but the sound of popping Fairies was like soothing music. They didn't just drop and turn to dust. Nope, the beautiful monsters burst into sparking glitter and flames in every color of the rainbow. It was breathtakingly macabre. I had killed all the bad ones and thankfully not The Kev and Gemma.
    "Astrid," Venus yelled frantically as she wrapped her body around mine. "Are you okay? Do you need blood? Gemma, come over here and give her blood."
    Gemma shifted back to herself and pressed her wrist to my mouth. I bit down and drank.
    "Pancakes?" I asked weakly.
    "Yep, pancakes." Her smile did not reach her eyes, but her love for me was evident.
    Anything my BFF ate, I could taste in her blood. Ice cream was one of the things I missed most about being human and my beautiful buddy made sure I still got my fill. It had come in tremendously handy when I was pregnant and craving pickles and Taco Bell bean burritos.
    "They're gone," The Kev said with rage simmering in his voice. "Astrid, you've done well. Only two escaped."
    "I missed two of them?" I asked, surprised.
    "They had already run from the room," he answered with disgust. "I will find them and destroy them," he promised.
    "Gemma, you have to go into hiding," I said as I sat up gingerly and took in the destruction of the room. The cleaning service was definitely going to quit.
    "No, I won't hide. I have to…"
    The sound of Ethan's roar sent chills up my spine and my stomach to my throat. I struggled to my feet and began to run. The pain in his voice ripped at my soul. I could not live without him. I felt him and his agony in every part of my body and in every corner of my mind.
    He sat in the middle of the nursery with his head in his hands. Blood was everywhere and the remains of a Fairy that had been torn to bits were strewn across the room. The silence was deafening and I refused to take in what I was seeing…actually what I wasn't seeing.
    "Where's Sammy?" My voice sounded far away and small. Ethan said nothing. His rage and fury filled the room.
    "Did they take him?" The Kev ground out with barely contained fury.
    Ethan still said nothing.
    "Answer him," I screamed and got down in my Vampyre's face. "Answer me."
    "When I was tearing that one apart," he said in a dead voice, "the other one took our child."
    I stood and moved erratically around the room. This was not possible. This was not happening. The need to crawl out of my skin was immense. It felt like something had been torn out of me and I couldn't figure out what to do to get it back. There was no way I would survive if I didn't get it back.
    "Martha? Jane?" I demanded. Were they dead? Was there a pile of ash in the room that used to be them? I got down on my hands and knees and searched. They drove me to insanity, but I needed them

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