two children.”
    “And I have to believe that they’ll be waiting for us when we get back.”
    “The odds of that are—”
    “Better than nothing,” Alexander replied. He turned back to the fore. “McAdams, how are repairs coming along?”
    “The hull breach is sealed, sir…”
    “We lost a lot of supplies.”
    “Then we have no choice. We have to go back,” Korbin said.
    Alexander shot her a look. “Williams! How long can we last with what’s left? Do we still have enough supplies to get us to Wonderland and back?” Besides being the ship’s sensors operator, Lieutenant Williams was also the ship’s quartermaster, so he would know.
    “The supplies closest to the outer hull were mostly non-essential equipment, and they were all locked down before launch. In terms of food and other critical supplies, we should still have everything we need.”
    “Then our mission stands. Lieutenant Stone—”
    “Recall our fighters and drones. Coordinate your efforts with the helm to make sure they’re all docked before we enter the wormhole.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    The MHD showed stars panning by as the Lincoln rotated on the spot. The Looking Glass came into view, looking like a clear glass marble. It was hard to imagine that through there lay humanity’s only hope for survival—a planet that only probes had ever seen, and even then, just for a few minutes at a time. There was no way to be sure that it really was habitable, or even that its ecology wouldn’t be completely hostile to humans. What if all the planet’s water was poisonous? Or if the air wasn’t breathable? Toxic? The planet could also be home to a host of deadly pathogens. Or maybe it was plagued by high surface winds that would make growing food next to impossible.
    The list of possibilities was endless.
    Chances were it would be easier to colonize than the Moon, Mars, Titan, or Europa, but it would likely still be a far cry from Earth. Alexander couldn’t believe that this was what humanity had come to.
    What have we done? he wondered.
    He was still wondering that long after the remainder of the 61st Squadron was aboard and the Lincoln passed through the wormhole.

    Chapter 4
    “Setting acceleration to point five Gs,” Lieutenant Davorian replied.
    Alexander swallowed thickly and nodded.
    “Acceleration set.”
    “Lieutenant Williams, confirm no hostiles inbound.”
    “We’re clear, sir.”
    Alexander turned to look at the comms station. “Hayes, set condition green, and alert the crew.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Now what?” Korbin asked, turning to him.
    “Now we stretch our legs.”
    The bridge came alive with the sound of seat harnesses unbuckling. Alexander unbuckled his own harness and mentally disconnected his relief tubes. That done, he manually withdrew his nutrient line. Finally, he reached up and twisted his helmet, breaking the airtight seal with a squeal of escaping air. He pulled off the helmet and attached it to the magnetic rack behind his headrest. The HUD was gone, and his mental interface to the ship went with it, but they’d have plenty of warning if something happened to change their alert status. The nearest possible hostiles were back on Earth, and that was at least a week away.
    “Williams, you have the first watch.”
    “Yes, sir,” Williams said, sighing as he sunk back into the sensors station.
    “Everyone else, come with me. Hayes, have the rest of the crew report to the Officer’s Lounge, and then come on down.”
    Alexander reached up to the rails on the front of his armrests and pulled himself up out of the captain’s couch. At point five Gs, it was easy to suspend his weight above the chair and push backward to land on the deck behind the headrest. Commander Korbin landed

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