be the one to always see the silver lining, you can be. I suggest that everyone try being that positive “ray of sunshine” person for a few days and simply see what happens.
I am in no way implying that life is a bed of roses, because believe me, I know that it’s not. But if you are willing to create your own bed of roses, if you are grateful for the positive things in your life, if you take five minutes a day to appreciate nature (I know I’m sounding really “out there,” but just listen!), you will start to see everything in a different light. For example, you can choose to let the dude that cut you off make you so angry that you punch your steering wheel and scream and yell as you feel your blood pressure rise and that weird vein in your neck pop out; or you can choose to smile and wave at him without a care in the world and save your adrenaline rush for the gym.
The Worry
Well, what about those what ifs and the maybes and the many I don’t knows? Trust me, I get it. I used to be the biggest worrier on planet Earth. I worried about my health, I worried about my kids’ health, I worried about not being able to pay the bills, I worried about the bump on my nose, I worried about not being able to see improvements every time I went to the gym, I worried until I worried myself sick, and then I realized that I have nothing to prove. I am who I am. I have my health, I work hard, and I have great kids. I have a lot of other crazy poop in my life that could make me crazy, but I have decided not to let this stuff take me down the flusher, and this allows me the freedom to cope. We can worry ourselves into a hole or we can do all we can to be healthy and take life one day at a time, knowing that everything else will simply be and we can handle what comes our way because we are healthy, positive, and prepared.
Please, take time to have more fun. When was the last time you were just totally silly? Next time you are rushing around the kitchen, trying to make dinner with crying, hungry, need-a-bath kids racing and fighting around you, instead of trying to fight off screaming, start singing and dancing along to the goofiest kids song that you know. Just belt it out at the top of your lungs. Shake your hips, wave your arms around, and before you know it, your kids will be falling over themselves, laughing and joining in. Dinner will get done, and you will feel alive. Stop taking yourself so seriously and you will start to enjoy yourself by just being you.
Often in life we lose track of what we enjoy because we are too busy simply making life work. Stop reading for a minute or two and sit with this thought. What do you love to do? Shopping online or watching Life & Style are not options. Maybe you need to think back five, ten, or fifteen years to a different time in your life. What used to make you excited to get out of bed in the morning? Whatever comes to mind first, make a date with you to do that thing. Maybe it’s hiking, knitting, getting lost in a novel, volunteering for your favorite charity, or acting in a play. Whatever that thing might be, try to recapture what used to motivate you. This is not a senseless or time-sucking endeavor. It’s a step back to what I was talking about earlier in this chapter, a step back to simpler times, back to when the days did not pass us by with little time left to live, laugh, and love.
We have all become exceptionally efficient schedulers with our handheld gadgets, so use it and schedule in one day, afternoon, or evening a week to do something that really fulfills you. Even if you think it might be silly. After a couple of weeks of your new routine, you will wonder how you ever did without. To top it off, your loved ones will love you more for taking the time to care for yourself.
Next step: do not feel guilty! You will ruin your moment by coming home and apologizing for spending time on yourself. So, my secret to successfully de-stressing is the same as my secret to maintaining
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