public accommodations desegregation, 57â58, 65
Public Agenda poll (1999), 157
pupil reassignment plan lawsuit, 2011, 190â91
QUEST (Quality Education for All Students), 128â29, 130â31, 140â41, 154, 159â60, 163
race and demographics, 197â98
racial discrimination: housing, 21, 43, 44â45, 48â49, 58â59, 63â65, 96â97;public accommodation and transportation, 57â58, 65
racial harassment and intimidation: bombing, 48; cross burning, 48, 54; Jim Crow era, 33; school choice and, 167; school desegregation, 16, 22, 160; White Citizens Council, 53, 54; white teenage, 7â8.
See also
Ku Klux Klan
racial integration: black activists on, xiâxii, 37; Du Bois on, 42, 49, 96, 147â48, 197; educational benefits of, 183; housing, 21, 44â45, 48â49, 58â59, 63â65, 68, 198; military progress in, 58â59; poverty and, 62â65; public accommodation and transportation, 57â58, 65; white view of, 120.
See also
desegregation; school desegregation
racial quotas.
school desegregation
racial turmoil and violence: civil rights, 19â20, 68, 70â72, 76; school desegregation, 52, 90, 91, 93â94, 102
racism: acceptance of, 97; color-blindness and, 47, 96, 119, 152â53, 187; in Louisville, 19, 20, 37, 59; political, 197; sexual stereotypes and, 43; among teaching staff, 53â54
Raleigh, North Carolina, 190
Reagan, Ronald, 26, 104â5, 116â17, 118, 120
Reed, Stanley, 47
Rehnquist, William, 88, 118, 139, 175, 182
Reid, Manfred, 70
âresegregationâ of schools, 128
Rhee, Michelle, 196
Richmond, Virginia, 154â55
Robert Frost Middle School, 7â8, 12
Roberts, John, 182, 185, 186
Rockefeller, Nelson, 79
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 37
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 63
Ruffra, Jean, 89, 127
ârurbanization,â 75
Russell Junior High School, 109â10
Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Elementary School, xi, 108
San Francisco, 155
SAVE (Saving African-American Values and Economy), 130, 146
Save Our Community Schools (SOCS), 84â85, 87, 89, 91, 127
Scalia, Antonin, 185
Schaffner Elementary School, 76
Schmied, Kenneth, 71, 72
school choice, 24, 55â56, 78, 79, 157, 170, 196.
See also
Project Renaissance
school desegregation: achievement gap and, x, xi, 77â78, 127, 129, 168â69, 176, 177â78, 183, 191; affirmative action and, 79, 175â76, 182, 191; Afrocentric schools and studies and, 22, 26â27, 179; alternative schools and, 20, 124, 130, 160, 188, 192; black activists on, 24â25, 112, 124â25, 127, 128, 131â32, 140, 151, 153; black Americans on, xiâxii, 23â24, 49â50, 120; black educator view of, 49â50; black parents on, 129, 192; boycotts, 90; busing as tool in, ix, 4â5, 7, 25, 79â80, 84â85; in California, 46â47; charter schools use in, xii, 198; civil rights movement and, ix, 56â57, 89; clustering schools use in, 129; educational opportunity and, 160â65; end of, ix; exemptions to, 15, 140; federal legislation on, 90; gerrymandering school zones and, 86; HEW guidelines on, 77, 78, 81â82, 85; incentive programs use and, 126, 127, 128â30, 140; low-income housing and, 86; magnet schools use in, 2, 83, 113â14, 130, 155, 162, 169, 191; mandates, 52â53, 54â56, 62, 86, 176; preferential assignment use in, 183; promise of, 167, 189, 194â95; protest zones, 22, 93â94; questioning the wisdom of, 117, 120; racial quotas use in, x, 2â3, 11, 15, 22â23, 27, 90, 113, 124â26, 129, 140, 162, 167, 169, 173, 182; racial turmoil and violence, 52, 90, 91, 93â94, 102; school choice as tool of, 27, 55â56, 129, 132â34, 137â38, 156â57; school closure as tool of, ix, x, 50, 90, 103, 109, 110â11, 115, 153, 160, 180, 196; school systems mergers and, 84, 88, 90, 160; school transfer ban in, 154; separate butequal doctrine use in, 43, 47, 50; student gains
Lorilyn Roberts
Nigel Barley
Errin Stevens
Kevin Rau
Christy Pastore
My Ladys Desire
Janice Kay Johnson
Craig DeLancey
Brian M. Wiprud
Savannah Vining