Dark Runner: LodeStar 3.5

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Book: Dark Runner: LodeStar 3.5 by Cathryn Cade Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cathryn Cade
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widened, became a smile showing teeth a startling white against the olive skin and ebony ink. His gaze slid down to her breasts. She could feel her nipples tighten into telltale knots under that caressing gaze. “They should be, when they’re as tasty as you.”
    Heat rippled through her, mingling with the chill of fear in a cocktail that was shockingly enticing. Hells, she was twisted. She wanted him even more because she was afraid of him, not in spite of it. And that was something she could never let him sense, or he’d take instant and total advantage.  
    Self-disgust smeared over her arousal, drowning it as thoroughly as cold water. What her fickle libido craved didn’t matter— she was never going there again. These days she only fucked males she could control. Safer that way. And she didn’t see this one letting her be on top, not figuratively at least.  
    Also, she realized with an unpleasant shock, the last thing she wanted was him using her as a substitute for Kiri.  
    Looking at the other woman in a hololink was like looking in a mirror...one that reflected a sweet, happy version of herself. She’d never been the first, and couldn’t remember the second, but she knew that it didn’t lie in the arms of a man with another woman on his mind.
    Anyway, she was here for something much more important than sex. She could resist Chaz Jaguari himself if she had to, to get that pardon. And she’d crushed on the galactic singing star since she was a girl.
    Still, she was Serpentian. The ganger would be suspicious if she retreated too quickly. She gave him a slow wink as she moved past him toward the exit. “I am tasty. Just keep in mind the prettiest serpents are the ones with the nastiest venom. And believe me, I bite.”
    He moved with that deceptive swiftness, crowding her back against the bulkhead. Too late, she saw her mistake. He wasn’t the man to back down from a challenge of any kind, or one she could deflect with humor as she had Darry.  
    And worst of all, the closer he got, the more she wanted him right where he was.  
    “My blood runs with anti-venin,” he whispered, his face so close his beautiful eyes were all she could see, his scent all she could smell, his breath mingling with hers as if they were lovers about to kiss. “So don’t— ever —mistake me for one of your victims, no matter how pretty you are, Snake Eyes.”
    Her shudder was repulsion at his threat, she told herself. Not instant and liquid arousal. Time to back down, or at least pretend to. Remember the prize.
    “I wouldn’t think of it,” she answered, holding his gaze. Not that she could’ve looked away even if she’d wanted to.  
    Oh, please oh please don’t let him decide to press those thin, sculpted lips to her face, not now. She wasn’t sure she wouldn’t melt in his arms, hot and malleable as liquid fireglass. She pressed her palms flat against the bulkhead behind her to keep from reaching for him, grabbing him by those braids and hauling him in for a long, wet kiss.
    He drew back, taking all that delicious heat with him, his gaze so cold ice splintered through her haze of arousal. “Good. Then we understand each other. Now get busy and familiarize yourself with the ship. Any questions, ask. Otherwise, keep out of my way.”
    She scowled after him as he prowled away. The bastard was ice inside and out. “Where do you turn up the heat? This place is frosty enough a skrog would be asking for an extra hide.”
    “Put on some more clothes,” he said without turning. “We’re from New Seattle, we like it cool.”
    “Yeah, you’re all heart,” she muttered, turning to toss her empty bottle in the recycler and grab her packets of crispies from the table. So much for luxury. Guess this trip was going to mean wearing her leathers all the time, just like the old rust buckets she’d been working on.
    At least Logan Stark turned up the heat on his craft. But she didn’t quite have the nerve to taunt Darkrunner

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