new adult,
bbw romance,
Big Girl,
rock star,
big girl romance,
bbw eroitca,
bbw adult romance,
bbw alpha,
bbw rocker romance,
bbw rock star romance
came the deep voice of the only man I had
every truly loved, pulling my eyes from my body to the far stage to
see my best friend, Blake Hunter. He stood upon the stage wearing
his gorgeous smile as his captivating blue eyes looked out over the
sea of people that cheered back at him. Slung over his shoulder was
his jet black electric guitar, and even from a distance I found my
eyes studying the way the strap caused his red shirt to bunch and
cling to his muscled body. “It feels good to finally be home! I
hope you’re all ready to make some noise!”
The crowd roared back its approval, and
Blake spun around to shout something inaudible to his bandmates. My
eyes wandered down across his perfectly shaped back to the outline
of his tight ass, hidden beneath a pair of fashionably torn
“ Let’s hit it!” he yelled as he spun back to the microphone and
set into the song. Blake was a professional entertainer, and knew
how to get the crowd going as he strung his guitar with exaggerated
movements while singing the lyrics to his bands new hit single with
a flawlessly deep melody.
Blake had just returned
from a six month tour with his band, but everyone in attendance
knew his music by heart as he was a local hero that was quickly
rising up to national stardom. The crowd sung along with the
chorus, and more than a few women tossed their undergarments out
onto the stage, earning a laughing smile from Blake, and a scowl
from me. ‘ How might he act if I were to
throw my underwear onto the stage with a waistband thicker than his
I pushed away the thought, and just focused
on the music, letting his words resonate to my very core. I took
another drink of my beer, and found that his music truly did have a
way of making everything in life better.
When the song came to an end, the crowd
erupted into loud cheers, screaming for an encore, but Blake only
laughed and shook his head. “Don’t worry I’ll be in town for quite
some time. You’ll get to hear a lot more of me on nights when I
don’t have to steal the limelight from the great talent we have
here tonight.”
The crowd cheered again, and Blake slipped
his guitar off his shoulder before heading into the back as a new
band took the stage to give its best attempt at keeping the crowd
entertained following such a flawless performance. I, like many
others, just couldn’t get into the new band, so I turned back
towards my beer, surprised to see that the glass was nearly empty.
I considered finishing the last of it, but without Blake’s music
that task seemed too much of a battle, so I opted to push the glass
away and stand up.
“ You aren’t leaving are you?”
I turned and gasped in surprise as I saw
Blake’s perfect blues staring back at me. “What?…” I stumbled for
words. Although I considered him my best friend, I hadn't expected
to actually speak with him tonight, believing that the sea of
people would have shielded me from his sharp eyes. “Um… no I was
just stretching.” I stretched out my arms in an attempt to sell my
needless lie.
“ Good, because I’ve missed you,” he said with a flash of his
brilliant smile before he stepped forward and pulled me into his
strong arms. I inhaled the spiced scent of his cologne and became
distinctly aware of the way the swells of my breasts pressed up
against his rock hard chest, making me wonder what it might feel
like were our clothes not in the way. “Can I buy you a drink?”
Blake asked after he released me and took the still empty stool to
my right.
“ You know I could never say no to you,” I replied before I
repositioned myself on the stool, realizing as his thigh pressed up
against mine why it had remained empty. The heat of his body
pressing up against me caused me to flush, but he seemed not to
notice as he waved over the bartender.
“ Great show man,” the now smiling bartender said as he walked
up and bumped fists with Blake. While Blake was a local celebrity,
it still annoyed me a
Michelle Zink
Lisa Plumley
Ellen Miles
Mia Zabrisky
Mina V. Esguerra
C.C. Koen
J. M. Gregson
Chris Ward
Danielle Taylor
Tasha Jones