CRIME ON THE FENS a gripping detective thriller full of suspense

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Book: CRIME ON THE FENS a gripping detective thriller full of suspense by JOY ELLIS Read Free Book Online
Authors: JOY ELLIS
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involuntary yelp, and breathed in a great gulp of stale, rubber smelling air that made him cough.
    It was horrible. And exciting, at the same time. Sort of powerful! He felt a cramp-like thrill grip his stomach and churn his lunch into mush. Yeah, this was so cool! He stared at himself again and knew it had been worth the risk.
    * * *
    Superintendent Bainbridge was waiting in the CID room when Nikki got back. He seemed to have aged ten years since her trip to Barnby Eaudyke. ‘WPC Collins and I have seen the parents. I don’t have to tell you what kind of state they are in.’
    He didn’t. Nikki had dealt with enough frightened and bereaved parents to fill a small theatre. Plus she had had more than her own fair share of heartache with Hannah.
    ‘Have they thrown any light on what may have happened, sir?’ she asked.
    ‘Right now, they are too shocked to string a sensible sentence together. WPC Collins and PC Farrow have volunteered to wait with them until the designated Victim Support Liaison Officer gets there.’
    ‘What about the seabank? Where they found the mobile? Has that shown up anything?’
    ‘Plenty, and none of it good.’ The super frowned. ‘The whole area has been trashed. Probably to cover up footprints or signs of a struggle.’
    ‘Yet they left the phone and that gadget thing behind?’ Nikki questioned.
    ‘The ramblers found those some way down a steep bank that drops away from the path to the marsh. You’d never see them in the dark.’
    ‘What about tyre tracks, sir?’ asked Joseph. ‘They had to get out to the seabank somehow, and I doubt they walked.’
    ‘Yes, there are tracks. Too damn many,’ growled the super. ‘Some kids on off-road bikes were out there doing wheelies, or whatever it is they do on those wretched machines.’
    ‘I don’t think it’s connected. The kids go out there regularly, scaring the shit out of the wild-life.’ The super leaned back against the wall. ‘As soon as Collins and Farrow are back in the station, I’m calling a meeting. This is your case Nikki, but I’m pulling in all the help I can get, and,’ he paused, looking directly at her, ‘I think, under the circumstances, our best hope is to go public immediately, do you agree?’
    Nikki thought for a moment, then nodded. ‘It could be costly if she turns up tomorrow with a hangover and a tattoo that she doesn’t remember getting, but I guess we can’t afford not to.’
    The super straightened up. ‘Then I’ll inform top brass. And I’d appreciate it if you and Sergeant Easter went back to the campus and spoke to Dr Villiers in person. We’re going to need a pretty big team down there to talk to the students. Arrange things with him and I’ll see you all back in the meeting room in an hour.’
    Nikki pulled a face. ‘Could someone else go? I really need to speak to the occupant of Interview Room 2.’
    ‘Kris Brown?’ The super halted mid-way through the door. ‘Is his mother here yet?’
    ‘On her way, sir,’ said Joseph. ‘Probably be here in about an hour. She was in Grantham when I managed to contact her.’
    Nikki glared at Joseph. ‘But there’s no reason on earth to wait until she arrives before we interview Brown. He’s not a bloody kid!’
    Joseph raised his hands in mock surrender. ‘That’s not what I was implying. I just answered a question, ma’am. And for what it’s worth, I’m with you.’ He looked back to the superintendent and raised his eyebrows. ‘If Brown knows where Kerry is, I don’t think we should waste a single moment.’
    Nikki opened her mouth, then shut it again. She wasn’t sure if it was the man’s gentle voice and unshakable calm that was rattling her, or simply that she wasn’t used to people agreeing with her.
    The superintendent gave them both a stony look. ‘And I say Brown waits until you’ve been to the university. He’s not going anywhere, and some time alone, not knowing exactly what we know or are planning,

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