happen.” He stopped at a red light and gave her a heart-stopping smile. “You don’t think I’m marriage material?”
“Not at all.” Maybe prime beef for a nighttime romp…
“Why’s that?” He shifted the car into gear and it rocketed away from the intersection, leaving the other cars behind in the dust.
“You’re too racy, just like your Vette.”
“It’s all show.”
She studied his profile, wondering if he was telling her the truth, or just telling her what he thought she might like to hear. “I don’t believe that for a minute.”
“Well, then I’ll just have to prove it to you. I think I’m headed in the right direction. Last night, for one, should give you at least an inkling. You passed out cold. I could have stayed at your place, stripped naked, and probably gotten some—“
A current of heat shot to her face, and a few rivulets wandered down to her belly. “Whoa! What are you talking about?”
“I know you wanted it. No use denying it.”
“What I wanted had nothing to do with the it you’re thinking of.”
Gabe shook his head. “I guess I had you pegged wrong. I didn’t think you were the kind to deny your own sexuality. Thought you were a little more aware than that.”
Her face couldn’t get any hotter. She turned from him and rested ice-cold fingers on her flaming cheeks. “I am aware.”
“Then why lie?” He stopped the car at another red light. And as she glanced at him, she caught his gaze wandering over her form. Slow and lazy, yet intense at the same time. It was the kind of gaze a man gave a woman when he wanted “some.”
And it was working…
She crossed her legs, imagining how he would feel resting between them. She loved the weight of a man, solid and hot, on top of her.
Her mouth went dry. Her heart pounded in her ears. That familiar throb settled in her crotch. Damn it! How would she work like this?
“Can we talk about something else?”
He drove away from the light, and she was grateful when she spied the building up the street. “Sure.”
Thank God!
They pulled into the parking lot, and Fate retrieved her purse, briefcase, and lunch from the floor before stepping from the car. She made a beeline for her office, noting the unfamiliar face at the reception desk in the lobby.
Damn it! She’d forgotten about Julie. In her place at the Chrome Throne stood a blonde with boobs that had to have set her back at least ten grand and a face that had to cost her at least double that. Fate nodded a greeting at the woman and headed upstairs, listening to Gabe’s animated voice behind her.
Evidently, Gabe knew Miss Plastic Surgery.
Why did that bother her so much?
Up above, she stood on the balcony and watched him chatter with the woman. She really was gorgeous, in that Baywatch blond bombshell sort of way.
Racy. That woman was racy.
Gabe said he liked racy.
She bumped into something with her shoulder. She turned.
Michael smiled at her. “Morning, Fate. How’re you feeling?”
“I’m fine.”
“I had a great time last night. We should do it again sometime.”
“Well, gotta go. I’ve got a ton of work to catch up on.”
“What work?” She hadn’t given him anything since last week, and with the company change, those reports wouldn’t be needed.
“Gabe gave me some things to follow up on. I have a list.” He waved a manila file at her.
“He did?” When had he found the time? Was he already trying to show her up? “What kinds of things?”
“Just some market research stuff. Competitors and such.”
“Okay. Just do me a favor. Give me a copy of everything when you’re done.”
“Will do, Fate.” He hurried toward the stairs, catching Gabe at the bottom.
Fate watched them talk. Couldn’t make out a word. She’d never make it as a lip reader.
What was Gabe up to? Trust him? Her ass! There wasn’t one single cell in Gabe Ryan’s body that deserved to be trusted.
She went into her office and took a seat,
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