Commando City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 7)

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Book: Commando City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 7) by Mitchell T. Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitchell T. Jacobs
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of ammunition in the process. And we're going to take casualties too.”
    “That's one of the things we're going to have to hash out. As of now we'll probably have them drop ammunition supplies with us so we can sustain the assault.”
    “Huh, we just have to hope they actually land with us,” Gavin said.
    “Yeah, that'll be a challenge as well. But we really don't have a choice. Transport planes can avoid the worst of the AA fire and are a lot faster than helicopters. That minimizes the window we'll be exposed to enemy fighters, and that's the main point of doing the operation this way.”
    “This isn't going to be like the airport district,” Nora said. “We're going to have more time to prepare, and this time we know what we're doing. And keep in mind, even with everything that went wrong in that last operation we still won.”
    Danny nodded and took one last look at the notes in his wrist menu. True, this would be a tough goal. But Black Wolf had faced worse in the past and had come out on top. They'd do so again, he was confident of that much. All they needed was more information, and a lot more training.
    “ O ne minute out from the target area,” the pilot said over the radio link.
    Danny looked down the length of the hold, filled with his platoon beginning to stand up and prepare for their jump. He looked down at his wrist menu, activating the map and watching as the waypoint marker come closer and closer.
    Preparing the pathfinder platoon was one of their top priorities, and ensuring they could properly guide the transports was on the top of the list. They wanted to make sure they had a foolproof technique for the pathfinders to use, which would likely come from Spectre Company, and so tests were in order.
    Right now Miko was standing in the middle of an open field south of Indianapolis, her waypoint beacon active. The transport would home in on it and hopefully drop them right on top of it.
    Danny had volunteered his platoon for the duty, mostly because it gave them more opportunities to practice their jumps. Every one they got in before they went into combat increase the chance that they'd perform smoothly when it counted. Practice made perfect, after all, and that's what he was shooting for.
    “Thirty seconds out.”
    Danny activated the open channel to the rest of Bravo Wolf. “Everyone, prepare to jump.”
    There was a buzz of activity in the hold as his troops fixed their static lines and prepared to jump. In front of them, the plane's rear ramp started to deploy.
    Danny looked back down at the map and tried to zoom in. It looked like they were right on top of the beacon, but that was probably because of the resolution. As soon as he zone in on their immediate area the beacon disappeared to the south. It would come on screen soon enough, though.
    “Ten seconds.”
    He looked up at the light board in the back of the hold, waiting for it to go green. Now came the moment of truth. Would their transport signal them at the right time, or would they overshoot the target? That might not mean much right now, but the fate of Alpha Wolf Platoon during the last battle illustrated the dangers of failure. And if they were landing in a zone cut off from immediate support, then they couldn't afford to take unnecessary casualties.
    And then the light went green. Bravo Wolf began stepping out of the rear of the Colossus in a series of practiced motions. Danny followed. He felt the air whipping around him at the end of the ramp, just before he stepped into the sky and fell. A second later his static line jerked his parachute opened, and he was drifting toward the ground.
    Danny looked down at his wrist menu as he descended, trying to find Miko's beacon. But at this resolution, it was nowhere to be found. He zoomed out a bit, trying to adjust and figure out where they were.
    And then he realized they had dropped slightly off course to the west. It wasn't a major deviation, but it was a deviation nonetheless, and

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