not James.” Before I can think to object, Andries opens a door and whisks me into an empty room. “What are you doing?””
His smile is placating, but it just serves to rile me further. “Helping you lose whomever you were looking to avoid.”
When it seems like he is about to move in closer, I put my arm up between us. My palm lies flat against his chest, and he moves his hand over mine, keeping it in place. I speak to him in my firmest voice. “I don’t need your help. I’’m going back to the party.” I try to pull my hand away, but he wraps his fingers around my wrist.
“I thought you were lost.”
“I am sure I can find my way.” My phone buzzes in my bag, and I give another tug on the hand that Andries holds captured against his chest. Instead of releasing me, he tugs back and I find myself propelled in his direction. Alarmed, I try to draw back, which knocks me off-balance, and I feel myself falling into his arms. Behind me I hear the door opening, but my back is to the door, and although I can’t see who it is, I definitely recognize the voice growling out my name. James.
Andries releases me, and I turn to see James standing next to the man who had been following me. “You.” The man’’s expression remains impassive under my furious gaze. “Who are you and why are you following me?”
James steps in front of the man before he can answer. “This is Paulson. I hired him to protect you.”
This had never occurred to me. “You mean like a bodyguard?”
“Yes, did you think I would just let you roam around the city with Becca doing who knows what next?”
“Who’s Becca?” Andries asks.
James and I both turn baleful eyes to our unwanted spectator. Andries shrugs. “I can tell when I’m not wanted.” He gives me a flirtatious wink. ““I’ll see you soon.”
My hackles rise at his suggestive tone, and I feel James tense beside me. In a low, gravelly tone that I haven’t heard before, James addresses Andries: “If you lay so much as one finger on her ever again, I’ll make you wish you were never born.”
Laughing, Andries walks out the door with Paulson following close behind him, presumably to give us some privacy.
“What did I tell you about him?”
“Oh no, we are not going down that road. You are the one who has some explaining to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“You had me terrified out of my mind that Paulson was following me for some nefarious reason. Why didn’t you warn me?”
James has the grace to look sheepish. “I forgot.”
“You forgot?”
“Yes, it slipped my mind in the chaos of the last few days. Now back to Van Cleef. What were you doing coming in here alone with him?”
“I was trying to escape from Paulson, because I had no idea who he was or what he wanted. I thought he was after me.”
“That doesn’t explain why Van Cleef was touching you when we came in.”
Unless I want James storming off like a raging bull, I have to be careful of what I say here. “I lost my balance, and he caught me.” I endure James’s look of skepticism stoically, and he is the first to look away. Display cases line the walls, and for the first time, I take in my surroundings. There is a single padded bench in one corner, but that is the only seating in the entire room. “Where are we anyway?”
A feint smile crosses James’s beautiful mouth, and I am reminded how much I have missed seeing him in the past few days. “Come here.” He holds out his hand. I grasp his fingers, and he tugs me over to the first display case. Looking down, I see row upon row of beautiful butterflies pinned on a cork bed. “My grandfather is a hobby entomologist.”
“They’re beautiful.” I move on to the next case and see a series of colorful beetles. They are beautiful but also sad. All of these lovely things that once buzzed and flitted around are now dead carcasses set out on display.
“He is very proud of them. I am sure he would be happy to show
Melissa Toppen
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