shrugged her shoulders. “It’s probably just a series of coincidences. Why would anyone want to kill me?”
He narrowed his eyes. “You tell me.”
Thank the goddess one of her talents was acting, because the innocent laugh she gave would have won her an Oscar. “No one wants to kill me, I have no enemies. I’m just a dancer.” She could have sworn she heard someone coughing in the background. Be quiet, Eros!
“I don’t see any harm in getting the police to investigate.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you were in my position. Remember, only a few days ago they were happy to believe I was a prostitute. As if they’re going to take this seriously!”
James sat back against the couch and crossed his arms. “Fine. I’ll do some investigating myself. I’m not without my own resources.”
Her heart started pitter-pattering all over the place. Oh wow. He really does care about me . Maybe her plan would work after all? But she didn’t want him to put himself in danger—he had no idea what he was up against. It would take all her and Eros’ considerable powers just to keep themselves safe, let alone keep a mortal out of harm’s way. No, she couldn’t let him be involved in this.
Standing up, she walked back to the kitchen bench and picked up her glass of water. “I appreciate the thought, but really, it’s not necessary. I’m quite capable of looking after myself.”
He stood and followed her into the kitchen. “I’m sure you are, but get used to me hanging around. I have no intention of leaving you alone until we get this thing worked out.”
She raised her glass to her lips and sipped the cool water. “What about the person you have spying on me?”
“An ex-cop who owed me a favour. He’s been keeping an eye on you since this morning. It’s that mannequin that has me worried. The person behind that has a very sick mind. Are you sure there isn’t some old boyfriend out there?”
She turned away, her head down. “No. No old boyfriends. I haven’t had time since I came to Sydney. I’ve been too busy getting my dance studio established.” Not like my old life when men idolised me and it was party, party, party all the time.
“What about the dancing at The Cave?”
“I do that for my own pleasure. It’s a casual arrangement I have with the manager. Whenever the mood takes me, I just show up.”
“None of the patrons have become a nuisance? Followed you home?”
“No one, until that spoilt brat the other day.”
“Either way, I want you to come and stay with me until we work out what’s happening.”
The mouthful of water she’d just sipped sprayed out and dribbled down her face. She ripped a few sheets of paper towel off the bench, then patted her mouth and the front of her shirt in between coughs. “You’re kidding, right?”
“I never kid.”
No way . She couldn’t put him in danger that way. Now she knew who she was up against, it didn’t matter that she wanted to be with him, his safety was the priority now. There was no way she could let him get involved.
“I’m sorry, James, but I can’t do that. I have a business to run and you have a law practice. Neither of us can afford to put everything on hold. It’s completely out of the question.”
She had tried dealing with her problems without magic. However, now she had her powers back it was time to use them. James would be pissed off if he knew she was doing this, but there wasn’t any other way she could see to keep him safe. She closed her eyes and concentrated. You will trust Corey to look after herself.
With a puzzled look on his face James slowly walked away, his voice a flat monotone when he spoke. “I suppose I should trust you to look after yourself.”
Good. It’s working.
She opened the door and gestured for him to go. You will leave now, and you will go back to your office.
James slowly ambled out as if reluctant to go, but finding no reason to stay. “I guess I should get back to work. I left in
J. Kenner
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