CHASE - Volume Two (The CHASE Series Book Two)

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Book: CHASE - Volume Two (The CHASE Series Book Two) by M.L. Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.L. Young
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didn’t want to give him a chance to not reply for a week or more. If he was right there, looking at me, sitting two feet from me, he couldn’t avoid my questions and wait until a later date when he thought things might have cooled down. He had to answer them, and I had to get my answers. When it was all said and done, I’d get closure at least, and if I was lucky, I’d get something even better than that. I think I’d still give him another chance. He just had to prove to me that he wasn’t going to blow it, stomp on it, and throw it away until he felt like he was good and ready again.
    Please, don’t let this end tragically, I thought. Lord knows I needed to catch a break, just this once.

Chapter Two
    What the hell had I done? I was willingly and happily going to meet a woman I had already met and been with before. This was blasphemy! Matthew Chase isn’t one for second dates or second chances. He’s the type of guy who lies through his teeth just so he can taste the sweet nectar of lust any time the craving strikes. I feared that this man was gone, stripped of all his morals, dropped naked in the forest, unable to survive on his own. Why did I let her have this effect on me? How did she have this effect on me?
    As I paced around my office, firmly grasping my chin between my thumb and index finger, Brian came in, knocking on the door weakly, like the power had been sucked out of him.
    “What is it?” I asked, as I continued to look down at the floor.
    “Ms. Lawson is here to see you, sir. I don’t have an appointment for her. She’s just…here.”
    “Send her in,” I said, waving my hand in the air.
    Nigella came in within seconds, wearing a fur coat in this eighty-five degree weather, her tits most likely positively soaked in glistening sweat that she’d claim was diamond shavings or some other bullshit only she could come up with.
    “Chase, we need to talk,” she said, before sitting down, setting down her unusual mammoth-sized bag on my desk.
    “What is it?” I asked, sitting down.
    “I want my demands, and I want them now. Urtopium Records is trying to take me away from you guys, they’re even willing to buy out my contract. They’re also offering me everything you guys do, as well as a new private jet, a custom-made tour bus, and a twenty-percent raise on royalties,” she said.
    “So why are you telling me this then? Sounds like they’re offering what you want,” I said.
    “Because I love it here, Chase. I love you, I love the staff, and I’ve always had good experiences here. I don’t want to leave, but as my star power rises, so should everything else. An A-plus player shouldn’t get B-plus accommodations,” she said.
    “Then we’ll match what they are giving you, as long as you stay and sign another five-year contract,” I said.
    “Wait…what?” she asked, with a sincerely confused expression on her face.
    “You get what you want. I won’t fight you any longer,” I said.
    “I accept, but why? Why all of the sudden are you giving me what I want? You’ve never given me exactly what I’ve wanted, Chase,” she said.
    “I guess some things have changed, Nigella. I don’t know how or why, but they have,” I said.
    “Don’t change too much, babe. You need to keep that backbone if you want to stay on top. I’ll call you soon. We’ll do dinner,” she said, standing up, blowing me a kiss, and walking out the door.
    “Did…did I hear you correctly?” Brian asked, squirming into my office.
    “Yes, Brian, you did,” I said, before wiping my face with my hands and sighing.
    “You seem different, sir. Are you okay? Can I get you anything?” he asked.
    I looked intently at my desk, my eyes glazing over, my fingers tapping incessantly on the surface.
    “Just some ice water, please,” I said.
    “Right away,” Brian said.
    What was happening to me? Why was I…caring? Why did I give Nigella what she asked for? I’d never done that before. Before I met

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