Capital Wives

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Book: Capital Wives by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Alers
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She waved a hand. “Get some tissues and clean up that mascara. You look like a raccoon.”
    Bethany rolled her head on her neck. “Well, thank you.”
    â€œYou’re welcome, Barbie.”
    â€œI have a name.”
    â€œWhat is it?” Marisol asked.
    â€œBeth or Barb. They’re both the same.”
    Bethany extended her hand. “May I please have my bag?”
    Marisol gave her the small bag that had probably set Bethany’s husband back by at least five figures. “Everything’s in there.”
    A becoming flush suffused the blonde’s face. “I know you’re not a thief.”
    â€œHow would you know that?” Marisol asked.
    â€œYou have enough bling on your hand and ears to choke a horse.”
    Marisol touched the studs in her ear. They had been a wedding gift from Bryce. “Fix your face before your husband comes barging in here.” Turning on her heels, Marisol walked out of the powder room, leaving Bethany and Deanna staring at her back.
    Deanna closed her purse. “Marisol is right.”
    Bethany nodded. “Thank you, Deanna. May I call you?”
    â€œIsn’t that why I gave you my card? You may call me even if you’re not planning a party. Good luck.” Deanna gave Bethany a tender smile and walked out the powder room.

Chapter Five
    D eanna saw Damon Paxton pacing back and forth. “Mr. Paxton?” He stopped pacing, turned and stared at her. “Your wife is feeling better and should be out shortly.”
    Damon stopped pacing; his eyes grew wider when he recognized the woman who’d earned the reputation of hosting the best parties in the Capitol District. He extended his hand. “Deanna Tyson?”
    Deanna stared at the large, well-groomed hand, then took it. “Yes, it is. Have we met before?”
    â€œNot really. But I have attended some of your functions. The one you planned for Senator Rosenthal’s sixtieth birthday was exceptional.”
    She smiled. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
    â€œWhat the hell is going on here?”
    Deanna snatched her hand from Damon’s loose grip when she heard Spencer’s accusatory tone. “There’s nothing going on except that Damon and I were talking.”
    â€œDial it down, son. Your wife and I were just talking business.”
    Spencer hand went around Deanna’s upper arm. “I think you have your bastards mixed up, Paxton. Sorry, but I am not your son.”
    â€œSpencer!” Deanna gasped.
    He tightened his grip on her arm. “Let’s go, Dee, before I’m cuffed for kicking an old man’s ass.”
    Spencer literally pulled Deanna across the floor when she rounded on her husband. “Have you lost your mind?”
    â€œHave you?” Spencer countered. “The man was drooling on your breasts.”
    â€œWhat are you snorting or smoking, Spencer? I work with men all the time and you’ve never displayed one iota of jealousy. What has Damon Paxton done to you to come at him like a rabid dog?”
    Spencer released Deanna’s arm and ran a hand over his face. “I’m sorry, Dee. I don’t know what got into me.”
    â€œWhat you’re going to do is go over there and apologize or…”
    â€œOr what?”
    â€œOr our marriage is in some serious trouble. I rely on people like Damon Paxton for my business. All I need is for him to put the word out that I’m persona non grata and I won’t be able to get a job in any cathouse in the lower forty-eight. In case you’ve forgotten, I sell hospitality, not intimidation. And I’m dead serious about you apologizing, Spencer.” She and her husband engaged in what had become a stare-down. Deanna loved him, but not enough to jeopardize everything that she’d worked so hard to achieve. “We’re done,” she whispered.
    â€œOkay,” Spencer said quickly. “I’ll

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