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and soothing at the same time. It’s weird how straightening up things at home relaxes me. I only wish I could straighten out people’s lives so easily.”
“Like Kirk’s? Tell me about your visit.” Nick put down his newspaper.
“Where are the kids?”
“In their rooms doing homework, I think.”
“Good. I can give you the details while the kids are out of earshot. They don’t need to hear. The laundry can wait. Let’s sit in the living room.”
We settled side by side on the sofa. I slipped out of my faux suede slides and lifted my legs onto the coffee table. “Kirk seemed nice, after he loosened up. To start with, he acted like a zombie. I think because he was so scared. When he realized I sincerely wanted to help, he relaxed a bit and started talking.”
“What’s his story?”
“Says he never would have hurt Lenora. Her kindness made a huge impact on him. She’s like a holy angel in his mind. He assured me she was his prison savior.”
“Softened him up, opened his eyes to opportunities around him. Got him to attend Prison Fellowship meetings that really benefitted him. Claims he made a decision to let Jesus transform him and he sees life differently now.” I heard Jenny whoop with glee in the background. She must have finished her schoolwork.
“Good for him.”
“I agree. If it’s for real and Kirk seriously made a commitment to Christ, he’s a brand new creation. Let’s hope he’s not using Christianity as a shield.”
“Don’t you think he’s genuine?” Nick’s question plunged into the recesses of my mind.
“I don’t know. He seems sincere, but how can I be sure without knowing him better?” I ran my fingers across my forehead. “He’s still a strong suspect. I read the notes Lenora had made for his job performance eval—pretty severe.”
Nick’s eyes widened. “What were his issues?”
“Not enough compassion. Lenora wanted him to convey more caring when he spoke to fellow ex-cons. Apparently he came across as rather judgmental and harsh.”
“Makes sense his reformation would be a process.” TV noise exploded from the family room. “Turn it down,” Nick yelled before resuming, “and included would be forgiving himself for his former lifestyle.”
“Well, if he didn’t shoot Lenora, there’s no shortage of potential suspects. Those regular editorials she wrote on prison conditions pushed buttons. Hopefully, Tucker can come up with actual hate letters she received if she kept them—which is doubtful.”
“ And if they’re as severe as he stated.” Nick leaned back, stretching his arms overhead. “People don’t usually shoot you because they disagree with you.”
I blinked. “No? Watch yourself, Nicholas Trevor. I expect perfect agreement at all times about everything.” I playfully pounded his shoulder.
He yelled, “Husband abuse!”
I giggled. “Thanks. I haven’t laughed all day. It feels good.”
Nick wrapped his arms around me and squeezed “I know another way to make you feel good.”
“Show me.”
And he did.
The next day I awoke at six and, while still reclining in bed, made a silent morning offering of thoughts, words, and deeds of the day to God. I prayed His protection on Nick and the children. My morning routine, down to a science, took twenty minutes including a quick shower, three minutes to apply makeup base and my favorite coral lipstick and blow dry my whip-it-and-go hair. I dressed in a beige linen suit with a white silk shell, dressier clothes than usual because I was scheduled to give a presentation to the Rotary Club on family mental health at noon.
I caught my image in the full-length mirror on my closet door. Too drab. I hunted for my blue, green, and beige scarf and draped it across my shoulders then rummaged in my jewelry drawer for a gold circle pin to hold it in place.
My movements were stealthy so as not to awaken the children. Today was one of my twice-a-week early-exit days
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