“First the security system, now this mysterious meeting. Are you in trouble, son?”
“No, Dad. I’m fine,” Clint started toward the front door. “Just trust me. We’ll all explain it together.”
“Why all the secrecy?”
Jeez, Dad… Overreact much?
“You’ll understand everything, I promise. But I need the others to help fill in the story. It’s not just about me.”
By the time they reached the door, Lexi was standing there to greet them, so the argument stopped.
“Hi Mr. McKay! Welcome. Come on in, my parents are looking forward to meeting you.”
“Thanks, Lexi.”
As he stepped through the door she held open for him, Clint followed and caught Lexi’s eyes. “Hey, Lex.”
“Hi, Clint. Are you okay today?”
He reached down and brushed his fingertips into the soft of her palm. “I’m good,” he smiled at her.
Her fingers curled around his. “I’m glad.”
Okay, I can tell she likes me too. If I could only get some time alone with her.
“Over my dead body.”
Clint couldn’t see Sam, but heard his projected message loud and clear.
We’re just going to have to agree to disagree on this. Tell you what… How ‘bout we arm wrestle for it?
“Fat chance!” Sam appeared from around the corner, and upon seeing Clint’s dad, began to speak out loud. “Hey, Mr. McKay. It’s good to see you again! Mom and Dad are in the kitchen – come on, I’ll introduce you.”
Marcy was just closing the oven as the guests entered the kitchen. “Mom, Dad, I want you to meet Clint’s dad – Mr. McKay.”
He stepped forward to shake hands, suddenly embarrassed by the blackened lines and nails of his mechanic’s hands. “Call me Hank. It’s nice of you to have us over. Pleased to meet you.”
“I’m Marcy,” she took his hand in both of hers. “We’re glad to have you. This is my husband, Dan.”
“Hi Hank,” Dan extended his right hand in to shake his hand. “We think a lot of your boy. How much as Clint told you?”
“Nothing. I have no idea why I’m here.”
“Well, let’s all go in the living room,” Marcy gestured in the direction. “Leesha and Jade are already there. Let’s get down to business, then we can enjoy lunch afterwards.”
Clint leaned in towards Lexi’s ear. “Where is Leesha’s mom?”
“No clue,” she whispered back. “She disappeared again. Don’t ask Leesha about it, she’s pretty upset.”
They all found seats around the living room. Introductions were made and Hank noticed Jade looked as uncomfortable as he felt.
“Okay, Dad, here’s the deal,” Clint started. “I meant to level with you about this a couple of months ago, but first – you have enough to worry about. Second – I never found the right time when we were alone for any length of time.”
“I know,” Hank’s head bowed. “I work too much. I leave you alone far too often.”
“No, Dad. It’s fine,” Clint reassured him. “But I was afraid too, to tell you. I didn’t want to alarm you. When Mr. and Mrs. Dixon offered to help, I knew I could do it – tell you.”
“What is it, son?” Now he was clearly concerned.
“Mr. McKay,” Sam started, trying to take some of the pressure off Clint, “Clint, Leesha, Lexi and I – and Jade too – were all born on the same day, in the same hospital.”
Thanks, Sam. I didn’t know where to start.
He caught Clint’s eyes and nodded back at him. “We were all in the OB ward at the same time.”
“You were? That’s odd. A coincidence?”
“No,” Leesha said. “It’s not. We’ve found each other. We’re all experiencing some side effects we believe can be traced back to one of the doctors on rotation back then.”
“Wait,” Jade interrupted. “You think a person is responsible for the pain?”
“What pain?” Hank asked, startled.
“Let me start from the beginning…” and Leesha began to tell her story, with Sam, Lexi and Clint all joining in to add their parts.
“So you think we’re connected by
Clyde Edgerton
Lisa Kessler
Colleen Houck
Laura Drewry
Ruby Dixon
Margaret Leroy
Morgan Kelley
J. J. Salem
Bonnie Lamer
Barbara Ewing