Bream Gives Me Hiccups

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Book: Bream Gives Me Hiccups by Jesse Eisenberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jesse Eisenberg
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am GOING CRAZY at home . . . My parents are insane . . . They don’t even fight like normal parents, its so annoying, they just get along and it’s so boring. BUT . . .
    Good news is (drum roll please): my sister Kendra gets back from college tomorrow!! She is so cool, I can’t wait for you guys to meet. Maybe we could all hang out? She’s super super smart, used to do all my history homework for me (dont tell Miss Matthews) and shes getting her degree in something totally random like the Bosnian genocide or something. Creepy! But whatever, can’t wait to see her . . .
    AMY: that sounds cool. I have some good news as well (second drum roll please): Paolo is NOT gay! LOL. Glad I didn’t bet any money on that. Anyway, rehearsals are going really well. I’m working SO HARD, my body is getting like a crazy work out every single minute. But I think I’m doing really good and actually think I may be able to do this for a living. Like I used to think dancing was just a kid’s dream kind of thing, but I actually think I might be good enough to do it for real. Weird!
    ME: Yeah, that is weird . . . It’s like if I was in the nba or something . . . Lol . . . But cool . . .
    AMY: It’s not like if you were in the nba. I mean I’m actually dancing and im the lead in the show. it would be like the nba if you were at a basketball camp and you were the best player and were also like really tall.
    ME: im just saying, you should probably not like QUIT SCHOOL if that’s what you were thinking . . . And I’m actually a really great long-range shooter. I was on JV last year and actually started some games, and you don’t have to be tall if you have an outside shot, so . . .
    AMY: I’m not quitting school! I’m just exploring who I am right now and I think I’m a really good dancer. Sorry if that pisses you off?
    ME: I’m not pissed off? What? I’m just saying it might be a little EARLY to consider a career in a weird field . . . Sorry for being, like, practical . . . And Im glad paolo is not gay. Now you guys can be lovers . . . Honestly, though, be carful around those creepy old Brazilian guys!
    AMY: Paolo is our age.
    ME: What?
    AMY: Yeah . . .
    ME: And they let him design all the costumes?
    AMY: He’s a prodigy.
    ME: Weird . . .
    AMY: Why weird?
    ME: Don’t know . . . Just seems weird.
    AMY: I feel like your being unsupportive.
    ME: Well its a little hard to be supportive when your like changing your whole entire life around overnight with out telling me . . .
    AMY: i didn’t realize i had to tell you every time i move a muscle. I didn’t realize we were like joined at the hip because we went on two dates before the summerstarted. Sorry I didn’t realize that! Anyway I have rehearsal. What exciting thing are you going to do? Wash your socks?
    ME: I’m actually hanging out with my sister. she’s awesome and we’re probably gonna do something cool like go on a trip to the beach or go to a party or something . . .
    AMY: well have a good time. I’m actually going to a party also. Paolo is having one at his room.
    ME: have a good time . . .
    AMY: Maybe I will!
    ME: your being a bitch.
    AMY: I think we should stop talking to each other.
    ME: Good! How is that any different from our current situation?
    AMY: Good point for once!
    ME: I’ve told my sister about what you’re doing. She’s going to email you.
    AMY: Fine! I didn’t do anything wrong, so I don’t care!
    KENDRA: Dear Amy, this is Kendra. Nice to email meet you. :-) My brother shared with me your recent email communications and, while I don’t want to be invasive, I do feel like I might be able to clarify my brother’s position visà-vis your new relationship and shed some light on the situation.
    AMY: Hi Kendra. Nice to email meet you

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