Blood of Amber

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Book: Blood of Amber by Roger Zelazny Read Free Book Online
Authors: Roger Zelazny
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more scattered dead.   I saw no signs of the struggle within.
    “Is the gate open yet?” Dave called.
    “No.   I don’t think the ones who got in were sufficient to the task.”
    “Is that green and black banner anywhere in sight?”
    “I can’t see it anywhere.”
    He rose and came over, carrying both bottles.   He passed me mine and we both took a drink.   The ground troops began to fall back from the area before the wall.
    “Think they’re giving up or re-forming for another rush?” he asked me.
    “Can’t say yet,” I told him.
    “Whichever it is, there should be a lot of good loot down there tonight.   Stick around and you’ll have all you can carry.”
    “I’m curious,” I said, “why Dalt would be attacking again, if he’s on good terms with the queen and her son.”
    “I think it’s just the son,” he said, “and he’s gone.   The old lady’s supposed to be a real bitch.   And after all, the guy is a mercenary.   Maybe Kasman hired him to go after her.”
    “Maybe she’s not even in there,” I said, having no idea how this time stream ran, but thinking of my recent encounter with the lady.   The image of it, though, caused a strange train of thought.
    “What’s the prince’s name, anyway?” I asked.
    “Rinaldo,” he answered.   “He’s a big red-haired guy.”
    “She’s his mother!” I said involuntarily.
    He laughed.   “That’s how you get to be a prince,” he said.   “Have the queen be your mother.”
    But then, that would mean...   “Brand!” I said.   Then, “Brand of Amber.”
    He nodded.   “You’ve heard the story.”
    “Not really.   Just that much,” I replied.   “Tell it to me.”
    “Well, she snared herself an Amberite-the prince called Brand,” he said.   “Rumor had it they met over some magical operation and it was love at first blood.   She wanted to keep him, and I’ve heard it said they actually were married in a secret ceremony.   But he wasn’t interested in the throne of Kashfa, though he was the only one she might have been willing to see on it.   He traveled a lot, was away for long stretches of time.   I’ve heard it said that he was responsible for the Days of Darkness years ago, and that he died in a great battle between Chaos and Amber at that time, at the hands of his kinsmen.”
    “Yes,” I said, and Dave gave me a strange look, half puzzlement, half scrutiny.   “Tell me more about Rinaldo,” I said quickly.
    “Not much to say,” he replied.   “She bore him, and I’ve heard she taught him something of her Arts.   He didn’t know his father all that well, Brand being away so much.   Kind of a wild kid.   Ran away any number of times and hung out with a band of outlaws-“
    “Dalt’s people?” I asked.
    He nodded.   “Rode with them, they say-even though his mother’d placed bounties on many of their heads at that time.”
    “Wait a minute.   You say that she really hated these outlaws and mercenaries-“
    “’Hate’ may be the wrong word.   She’d never bothered about them before, but when her son got friendly with them I think she just got mad.”
    “She thought they were a bad influence?”
    “No, I think she didn’t like it that he’d run to them and they’d take him in whenever he had a falling out with her.”
    “Yet you say that she saw Dalt paid off out of the Keep’s treasure and allowed him to ride away, after they’d forced her hand against Sharu Garrul.”
    “Yup.   Big argument at the time, too, between Rinaldo and his mom, over just that point.   And she finally gave in.   That’s the way I heard it from a couple of guys who were there.   One of the few times the boy actually stood up to her and won, they say.   In fact, that’s why the guys deserted.   She ordered all witnesses to their argument executed, they told me.   They were the only ones managed to get away.”
    “Tough lady.”
    We walked on back to the area where we’d been

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