through her.
He drew back and released her mouth but kept his hands on
her shoulders. “Tell me how it feels,” he demanded. “Does it repel you?”
“Nay, my lord. It’s strange. It makes me feel hot and heavy
inside, as though the skin can barely contain the excitement it causes. Is that
how it should feel?”
“Aye. Does this feel good to you?”
He stroked his fingers along her throat.
She sighed with pleasure. “Aye, my lord.”
“Philip. Philip when we’re private, Mary.”
“As you will, Philip.” She drew in a sharp breath as his
hand moved down the front of her gown. When his fingers approached her breast,
the fear started to creep back in.
“What is it?” he asked, feeling her sudden tension.
“Where your hand is.”
“Your breast,” he said.
“Aye. Sir Benwyck used to grab them and pinch and squeeze
until he left bruises.”
Philip muttered something too low for her to understand.
“My lord?”
“Words not fit for a gentle lady’s ear,” he admitted. “Mary,
if you’ll allow it, I’d like to show you what your breasts can truly feel. ‘Tis
all we’ll do tonight. And forget not that I’ve promised you can stop me at any
time. Will you trust me in this?”
She looked at him, studying his face, the sincerity in his
clear, deep blue eyes. As Brianne had said, what had she left to lose?
“Aye, Philip.”
His smile made her heart beat strangely and her breath catch
in her chest.
“I’ll tell you what I would do, so as not to startle you.
First, though, I’m going to kiss you again.”
He did, matching his lips to hers and stroking with his
tongue until her blood began to flow more quickly in her veins. She felt
herself melting against him, but then he pulled back.
“I’m going to run my hands down the front of your gown now.
Try to relax and just feel it. You’ve naught to fear from me.”
She drew a breath and nodded. He put a hand on either side
of her throat, trailing his fingers along the sensitive flesh as he moved down.
Then the hands slid down farther, along the front of her gown, until the tips
of his fingers brushed over her breasts.
A sharp spear of pleasure stabbed into her as he touched the
tips. It was a quick brief contact before he ran his hands down along the sides
of her gown to her waist. He watched her face as he reached back up again and
laid his palms over her breasts, resting them there. When she didn’t object, he
moved them gently, sliding back and forth across the mounds. She sighed as the
heat from his touch penetrated right down to her loins.
“You like that?”
“Can you not tell?” she said on a sigh.
“I would be sure. I’m going to open your gown. You’ll enjoy
it yet more on your bare skin.”
He found the tapes that held the gown closed and tugged
loose the tiny, hidden bows that fastened it over her shift. He pushed it off
her shoulders and let the gown fall in a heap on the floor. She stood in front
of him. Though the material of the shift was light and thin, they were close
enough to the fire that she felt no chill. She wasn’t sure if her shiver was
due to fear or excitement. Possibly both.
He ran his hands up and down her arms to soothe and calm
her. “There’s naught to fear.”
The shift had a tape at the back of the neck to hold it
closed. He reached over her shoulders to release it and pushed the material
back off her shoulders. It slid down until it caught on her girdle, leaving her
bare to the waist. He backed a step a way to stare at her. Her breasts were
small compared to most of the other women she knew, pointed and high. The tips
pulled up into hard little nubs.
“Beautiful,” he said. “You’re perfect. Any man who could
treat such loveliness with so little respect forfeits any right to honor,
position, or love.” He reached up then and cupped her breasts in the palms of
his hands, lifting them tenderly so the pink tips pointed upward. His big
hands, with the long, slender fingers, cradled her
Eva Lesko Natiello
Linda L Grover
Tracy Serpa
Gloria Whelan
Laura Dower
Pembroke Sinclair
The Love Detectives (SS)
Ashlyn Chase, Dalton Diaz
Michel Déon
Todd Strasser, John Hughes