Beyond Love Lies Deceit
to get vengeance for Sean is to do exactly that.
    The thought strengthens my resolve and I look up to meet his gaze, letting the effects of the wine flood through me and ease what I am about to do.
    “Who needs music? I just wanted to hold you in my arms.” He lays on a line I’m sure he’s used countless times before.
    I let him believe I bought it, hook line and sinker. I smile up at him, wrapping my hand around the back of his head. With the height of my heels, I only stand about four inches below him. Using this to my advantage, I guide his face downwards with my fingers threaded through the back of his hair until just a couple of inches separate our lips.
    Closing my eyes, I lean forward, closing the gap between us. The moment his lips meet mine, I can feel the bile rising in my throat. I try to shift my focus, imagine that he’s someone else, but as his tongue skirts along my bottom lip requesting access to my mouth, I’m not sure how much more I can take.
    But then it happens... Luke’s face flashes through my mind and I find the focal point I need. I deepen the kiss without another thought, my hand tightening in the back of Ryan’s hair as his needy hands roam my back, pulling me tightly into him as his lips work against mine.

    L uke
    The moment the two people on the deck of my father’s yacht come into view, I freeze, unable to look away from the scene unfolding in front of my very eyes. When I came here looking for my father, the last thing I expected to find was my brother locked in a passionate embrace with Allie.
    I thought for sure my warning would have worked. She seems so uninterested in him and yet, here she is, kissing him like her life somehow depends on it. I just can’t seem to understand why.
    Ryan pulls her closer, his hands skirting down her back before clamping down on her hips. The sight is enough to make my stomach twist viciously. I know I should walk away. I should walk away and pretend like I didn’t see a thing. Allie is a big girl; she can make her own decisions. But knowing what I should do and what I am capable of doing are two very different things.
    Before I even realize my own actions, I step up onto the deck of the yacht and loudly clear my throat, the two people in front of me immediately breaking apart to look in my direction.
    “Luke.” Ryan immediately speaks. “What are you doing here?” He keeps his voice casual for Allie but deep down I know he is pissed that I interrupted.
    Smiling, I nod, knowing it will only further fuel his anger which is exactly what I want to do at this moment.
    “Sorry to interrupt.” I flick my eyes to Allie whose cheeks are a deep crimson, her eyes focused downward as if she’s afraid to meet my gaze. “I was looking for Dad. I thought he would be here tonight.” I continue, turning my attention back to Ryan.
    “Well as you can see, he’s not.” Ryan gestures around.
    “No matter, you can help me.” I smile, seeing the fury that continues to grow behind Ryan’s eyes.
    He thinks that I am doing this purposely and while that’s not entirely true, a small part of me is greatly enjoying taking a jab at him. It’s not like he’s not doing the exact same thing to me by being here with Allie.
    “I’m kind of in the middle of something here brother. Can’t it wait?” He asks, darting his eyes to Allie who is looking anywhere but at me or Ryan.
    “Actually, I should probably go.” Her soft words pull both of our attention to her as she turns towards Ryan.
    “You don’t have to do that.” He insists, clearly not ready for her to leave.
    “I know, but I really should be heading back.” She insists, stepping past him to grab her small wristlet purse from the table before crossing the space back towards us.
    “Well at least let me call you a car.” He reaches out and tucks a stray strand of her hair away from her face, the action winding me, like a punch to my gut.
    What the hell is wrong

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