of his cock, he was grinding his fists against the rock to keep from tangling his hands in her hair and jerking her mouth down.
She licked her lips and then licked him , drawing her tongue in a lush, wet circle around the head of his cock.
“ Fuck .” It was better than his imagination ever could have painted it, better than any goddamn thing he could remember. Because she was on her knees for him, her clothes askew, so disheveled she looked like he'd already fucked her, and he wasn't going to last if she kept teasing him.
His self-control snapped, and he laid one hand on the back of her head. “Now.” He tried to whisper, but it came out rough and dark instead, a snarl. “Suck me.”
Her lips slid around him, slick and hot and soft. She didn't tease, exactly—she didn't hesitate or hold back—but she took her time. Up and down her mouth worked, taking more of him with every advance, gently increasing the pressure until her cheeks were hollowed out, and Hawk couldn't resist her.
He didn't have to. This might be his first taste of Jeni and the dark passion that sizzled between them…but it wouldn't be the last.
The thought undid him. He stopped fighting the pleasure and gave in with a groan. Fire flooded him, and he spread his fingers wide at the back of Jeni's head, holding her in place as his hips jerked and he came on a rush of satisfaction.
She swallowed him with a moan, then soothed him with gentle flicks of her tongue. And while he gasped for breath, she laid her head on his thigh and waited.
As if he could catch his breath with her curled at his feet, sweet and patient. He stroked her cheek and ran his fingers through her tangled hair. “That was perfect.”
She smiled and bit his thumb.
“Brat.” Lazy pleasure spiraled through him as he bent and gathered her up into his arms. She came willingly, settling across his legs with her head tucked under his chin. He took his time running his hands up each leg, brushing away the dirt and pine needles, rubbing at the tiny indentions where pebbles had dug into her skin. “Still okay?”
“No.” Her fingers clenched in his shirt. “You make me want to stay here, where everything is so far away.”
Hawk wrapped both arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head. “I wish everything really was far away. It's easy to forget here, but it's dangerous, too. I don't want them to forget.”
Jeni touched his arm. “I know.”
The wind picked up, stirring through the trees above them. Jeni's skin broke out in goose bumps beneath his hands, and he urged her upright. Working in silence, he eased her dress back into place and tied it securely at each shoulder.
“So serious,” she whispered.
“I'll always be serious about taking care of you.” He smoothed her dress one last time and touched her chin, tilting her head back so she had to meet his eyes. “You deserve it.”
Her sudden smile was impish. “Are you starting to regret the fact that your mother banished you to the bunkhouse with the rest of Shipp's crew?”
He laughed and brushed a kiss to her lips. “Not even a little. This means I get to sneak you out to the barn tomorrow night.”
“Dirty.” Jeni glanced back toward the field. “We should probably rejoin the party. They're going to miss you.”
They already had, without a doubt. There'd be even more razzing when he hit the bunkhouse tonight, and his sisters would be unlivable, but he didn't give a shit. “Let them,” he murmured, turning her face back to his. “I'm not done kissing you.”
Jeni leaned into him, warm and pliant, as he captured her mouth with his. If he'd thought a couple of orgasms would ease the tension between them, she proved him wrong with the slow, lazy caress of her tongue and the eager heat of her body.
They'd barely scratched the surface of what they could be together. Now Hawk knew in his bones that she'd take him all the way down into his darkest, basest desires, and she'd love every minute of
Donna Kauffman
Kennedy Claire
Ron Roy
Virginia Rose Richter
Jennifer Garcia
Nathaniel Poole
Eva LeFoy
Art Linson
Thalia Kalipsakis
Allen Say