Beneath a Dakota Cross

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Book: Beneath a Dakota Cross by Stephen A. Bly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen A. Bly
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any of us.”
    Big River Frank spat a wad of tobacco clear over the top of the fire. “You know the thing I can’t figure? Kabyo and them risk their lives comin’ all the way to the hills ’cause they is convinced Hook’s got a treasure map. Now, it don’t seem likely that they just up and rode off because we threw a little lead at them.”
    â€œIf you had a mind to rob trains and stagecoaches, how much would you want to tramp up and down these mountains lookin’ for a gold claim no one’s ever seen. Truth is, it just might not be worth the effort.”
    â€œStrange thing is, I’ve never seen this man Kabyo,” Big River added. “I wouldn’t know him if he rode up.”
    â€œAnd none of us knows him,” Grass Edwards concurred.
    â€œYapper Jim does,” Brazos reminded them.
    Big River Frank pointed his calloused, bronzed hand to the two saddled horses. “I suppose we ought to ride south.”
    Brazos dumped his coffee grounds onto the dirt, then scattered them with the toe of his worn, brown boot. “I’ll see you down to French Creek before you pull out. If not, I’ll meet you at the crossing.”
    Big River Frank looked over at the one remaining tent. “I still think we ought to stay and help you bury Hook. That’s what family’s for.”
    Brazos stared into Big River’s trusting brown eyes. He means it, Lord. Up here in the hills, we’re the only family any one of us has . Brazos cleared his throat. “We’ve got the grave dug. Only one of us needs to hang back, and that’s me ’cause I promised I’d pray over his grave. That’s the kind of promise a man has to keep.”
    Edwards used his boot to erase the words in the dirt. “Then why on earth are we draggin’ around like this is a final good-bye? Come on, Big River,” he slapped the shorter man on the back. “Let’s go make sure them miners hear from Texas Camp on upper Lightnin’ Creek.”
    â€œCover his grave so the wolves won’t get in,” Big River Frank cautioned, reaching out to shake Brazos’s hand.
    â€œI’ll bring the rest of our gear down on Hook’s buckskin.” Fortune walked the other two to their mounts. “Listen, boys, I have one favor to ask of you.” Brazos reached in his pocket and pulled out two envelopes. He handed one to each man.
    â€œWhat is this, your last will and testament?” Edwards protested, staring at the address on the envelope.
    â€œNope. Just one letter to Todd and another to Robert.”
    â€œThis don’t sound like you plan on seeing us tomorrow,” Big River said.
    Brazos pulled a third letter out of his pocket. “Sure I do. I’ve got one to send myself. But crazy things happen. We could get split up somewhere along the trail. I haven’t got a letter out to the children in over a month. I just wanted to let them know I’m doin’ fine. I need to send three, just to make sure one gets through.”
    â€œThen we can all mail them at the same time when we get to Cheyenne City,” Big River Frank proposed.
    Grass Edwards swung into the saddle, then pointed back to a flat, sandstone rock. “Hand me up that Monarda fistulosa I found this morning.”
    Brazos snatched up the large, lavender-flowered, green-stemmed plant. “Now, tell me again what you’re goin’ to do with this Horsemint.”
    â€œBoil it up,” Edwards replied. “The fumes cure the vapors. Yes, sir, just a whiff or two of this and the chest clears right up.”
    Big River Frank mounted his black horse, leaned across the saddle horn, and spat a wad of tobacco into the dirt. “How do you know it works?”
    Grass folded the plant and tucked it into his saddlebag. “You ever seen an Indian with a cold?”
    Big River punched his heels into the flank of his horse and started down the trail. “I

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