did he care as long as they were happy.
“Glad you made it,” his low voice made her jump, snapping her attention to him and away from the live feed porno taking place on the couch.
“Um, yeah…thank you…for inviting me…” Her indecision was practically screaming with every word. He stifled a laugh, finding her innocence cute. It made him cringe inside thinking at how she would act if he and Sandman went through with fucking her tonight, and given the state his balls had been in and the fact that even the experienced Red couldn’t relieve it, he was going to try his damnedest. Normally, he didn’t work for pussy. Pussy was everywhere, waiting and willing. Anytime of day or night, one of the bitches or rats would be more than willing to milk his cock. Since he had gotten a taste of Rose’s sweet lips, nothing sated him. He had tried getting Breeze, one of the bitches who was known to swing either way, and Red both together at the same time but even their make out session didn’t get him hard. Red had seemed to enjoy having Breeze between her thighs, her face full of pussy, and even when she returned the favor, Tonto couldn’t keep his dick hard enough to fuck either of them. Thankfully, they didn’t seem to mind finishing each other off. The other guys jumped on the chance to volunteer their cocks after, giving the girls an eventful night to say the least. The only thing he thought of was Rose. She was a forbidden fruit, and whether or not she was a virgin, her cunt was going to be a prize. Without thinking, he reached down and took her hand, motioning for the Prospect to disappear.
“Come on.” He pulled her behind him, giving her no room to argue. When they reached a sitting area in the back, positioned in the corner, he sat her down and hollered for one of the rats. “Chelsea! We need beers over here.” A short little brunette with short spiky hair clad in a tight leather mini and tube top jumped up and ran to the kitchen, returning quickly with an armload of beer bottles. She set them all on the table in front of them in a line, taking the time to pop the cap on each one before she waited for further instruction.
“Thank you. I’m Rose.” Rose stuck her hand out, getting the oddest look in return. The woman smiled finally and shook it.
“I’m Chelsea. And you must be new. If you need anything just let me know. This…” she waved her hand around, “can be a lot to digest your first time. It’s a great place just to let loose without having to worry about safety. Whatever happens here stays here, doll.” Tonto gave her a warning look that had her stiffening. The rats didn’t know anything about club business, but it was evident that Tonto didn’t want her to know what ‘all this’ contained just yet. Chelsea took the hint and scurried away, giving her a weak smile first.
For her environment, Rose was surprised at how nice the woman had been. “She was nice.”
“She’s a rat, Rose. She better be nice or it’s her ass. All of the girls are pretty easy to get along with. If you decide to…hang around…more often, Heaven can show you the ropes. She has taken a liking to you.” Tonto’s words were almost—dare she say—sweet? Whatever ‘hanging around more often’ entitled, she wasn’t sure she would want to after tonight. And, more importantly, if they would want her to after tonight. Given her lack of experience in most areas, sexual and being exposed to this stuff, there was a good possibility they would send her packing while they laughed at her. Even now, she couldn’t help but stare at everyone. Two girls danced together topless, grinding and kissing as if it was no big deal. Just seeing their bare chests exposed in a room full of strangers made her embarrassed for them. Another chick sat on one dude’s lap with her legs across another, both of them touching and fondling her. At least she still has her clothes on, Rose snorted.
Sandman walked up and sat beside her,
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