Spencer and learning lines from Shakespeare) etc.—but I have plenty of psychology to do for tomorrow.
Thru John I got to know Mac Osburne—president of Lampoon (and of A—D—Club)—he’s a fine fellow as I had heard—urges me to come down and try out so I must think up something witty to write. Looks like I do have a chance! [...]
A—D—Club: an all-male club founded in 1836 (an offshoot of Alpha Delta Phi fraternity).
To Edith Gaddis
Cambridge, Massachusetts
[12 August 1943]
Dear Mother—
Thanks for the lost check—debts etc cleared up and my clothes cleaned—so now am prepared to appear in public! Say I just realized about Labour Day weekend—I’ll have 4 or 5 days off! What do you think?
We were up last night writing Charley’s radio script—his ‘Man About Boston’ programme—he and Gardiner write the script, panning everything in town, having seen about ⅛ of it—but it’s a lot of fun.—
I am beginning to get scared—hour exam in psyc. next week—what a horrible course! But the others are coming along well. I don’t suppose you know W. H. Auden—a modern poet—Hazel probably knows him. I met him a few days ago—Mr. Spencer introduced me. Boy I was quite thrilled. And then we saw Rex Ingram do the Emperor Jones up here too.—and see him in the street occasionally.
If you haven’t sent Johnson Smith don’t bother because Mac was in a hurry for this thing I was writing—wanted it for the forthcoming issue—so I wrote it on what I could remember—it came out all right tho I don’t know yet whether he’s going to permit it or not.
There is little else doing—somehow we don’t feel the heat up here—and all your subtle cajolling can’t get me to Revere Beach! Just a jump in the pool downstairs when things get warm, or to wake up in the mornings is enough—and if things get too hot I just settle down with Vanity Fair which I am about halfway through. But I may start to row once in a while soon. Don’t know yet.—am going down today for a physical exam—and if they make me take conditioning—@!?*%!
W. H. Auden: the British poet (1907–73) was teaching at Swarthmore at the time.
Hazel: unidentified.
Rex Ingram do the Emperor Jones: the protagonist of Eugene O’Neill’s 1920 play would have been a plum role for African-American actors like Ingram (1895–1969).
Johnson Smith: a mail-order company specializing in novelty items. The “thing” WG was writing apparently remained unpublished.
To Ida Williams Way
[ WG’s maternal grandmother (d. 1951), daughter of music educator Samuel E. Williams (1855– 1937) and a pianist and bass violinist in his family orchestra. She was a supervisor of music in public schools until 1920, after which she became a businesswoman. ]
Adams House B 34
Cambridge, Massachusetts
[16 November 1943]
Dear Gram
Thanks so much for the idea and the invitation—and financial backing!—but this is the one weekend we expect to turn out up here.
First off the first big dinner at the Poon this year, and after dinner we have our pictures ( Poon staff) made for the ’45 yearbook—I won’t get in any other way—as a member of the class that is—so I’d at least like to get in as a member of the Lampoon !
Then Saturday is our one big football game—I don’t expect to go, but anyhow it will probably turn out to be a pretty big weekend. I would love to come down of course, but now see how it is—and then too, I have reason to believe that I can work the Thanksgiving weekend so I can get down—not sure of course, and something’s liable to crop up—probably will—but there’s a chance.
Everything up here is coming along wonderfully—including my work(!). A new issue ought to be out within a week and a half—I’ll send a couple of copies down when it does. And I’m glad (and somewhat surprised) that Aunt Emma liked it!
Thanks again—and I hope I’ll see you around Thanksgiving
Leo Bruce
Zoe Chant
Bonnie Bryant
Kim Schubert
Roxanne St. Claire
Katie French
Beth K. Vogt
Michelle L. Levigne
Jason Fry
David Bergen