patted her back reassuringly.
“ Where’s Mother?” Robert asked.
“ Last time I checked she was asleep in her room. Nothing scares her.”
The ship’s motion suddenly changed with a lurch followed by an unearthly rattling noise and a violent bump.
“ What was that?” Clementine squealed.
“ We dragged anchor and struck the rocks.” Robert started back through the cabin.
Jack extricated himself from Clementine’s grip. “I must go.”
“ Why?” Clementine wailed. “I want you here with me.”
“ Robert and I are Army officers which makes us public servants,” Jack said. “I’m sure that we’re in no danger. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“ Rudder amidships,” Forbes shouted. “Right paddle full astern. Left paddle full forward. I need more steam.”
“ What can we do?” Jack asked as he and Robert came into the wheelhouse.
“ Stand by,” Forbes answered. “We’re hung up on some rocks. I have to get her off before her bottom is bashed in.” He bent to look through the window, then stood up and listened for a moment. “Right full rudder. Both ahead full.”
“ We’re making headway,” Robert observed.
Jack nodded. “Should I go below to make sure that we’re not taking on water, Captain?”
Forbes shook his head. “Nay. If there’s a breach in the hull we’ll drown soon enough. In this sea repairs would be impossible.”
“ That’s encouraging,” Robert chuckled.
Jack grinned.
“ Perhaps you could reassure the passengers,” Forbes suggested.
“ Right,” Jack said. “I’ll take the first and second cabins, you take steerage, Robert.”
“ Why should I take steerage?” Robert complained.
“ You’re a major, I’m a full colonel. Rank has its privileges.” Jack opened the door and stepped out into the driving rain.
December 16, 1848
Valparaiso, Chile
M arina closed the door to the captain’s cabin behind her and shook her head. “Captain Forbes is really too ill for command,” she said in a hushed tone.
Jack looked at Robert. “The number two knows the ship well enough, but the crew has no respect for him. I think we need to go ashore and impress an assistant captain.”
“ We don’t have the authority to impress sailors,” Robert said.
Jack shrugged. “Under these circumstances, no one, including us, knows what authority we have.”
“ I’d prefer not to be arrested upon arrival in California,” Robert argued.
“ If what the harbor master says is true, we’re going to face near riot conditions at all ports between here and California from gold seekers trying to board. Lacking any guidance from Washington, I would say that we must declare martial law aboard this vessel.”
“ I think martial law is always in force at sea, but the ship’s captain is in charge, not two army officers who paid for their passage.”
Jack waved him off. “Technicalities. Arm yourself and let us prepare to go ashore and impress a new captain.”
“ You don’t have to impress a captain,” Marina said. “Just hire one. The ship has money.”
Jack looked at Robert and shrugged. “Mother’s right.”
“ Yes,” Robert agreed. “It makes more sense.”
“ I had better go with you.” Marina said.
“ Don’t be ridiculous, Mother.” Robert replied. “You must stay here to care for Captain Forbes.”
“ Clementine can see to him.” Marina pushed him aside. “We’ll need to search for our new captain in the waterfront saloons. I grew up in one. You’d be fish out of water without me.”
“ We’re looking for Captain Marshall,” Marina shouted above the din.
“ I be Marshall.” A man that looked more like a pirate than a ship’s captain raised his hand.
Marina pushed her way through the crowd and snapped her fingers at the man who was sitting across from Marshall. “Get up. I need that seat and some privacy.”
The man hesitated for a moment, then got up and carried his drink to the bar.
Marina sat down and leaned
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