Animalistic Galley Fin

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Book: Animalistic Galley Fin by Lizzie Lynn Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizzie Lynn Lee
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pride won’t let her show her true self. Beneath her mask, she’s fragile, you know? I guess that was what drew me to her in the first place. You’re a much stronger person than she is, Arielle. You never lose your cool, even when things are awful. And you never give up when you face a challenge. Hell, you’re the toughest woman I know.”
    What was he talking about? No, she wasn’t tough at all. She just wasn’t big on broadcasting her feelings to others. But she felt there was no point in correcting Chris, so she kept it to herself. Although, she did wonder how long Chris had been having this affair with Sabrina? She resisted an urge to ask him because it wouldn’t do her any good to know at this point. They were finished. The last strand of connection that tied them together had been severed when she caught him with Sabrina. This was a chance to make a clean break.
    She forced herself to smile. “Thanks, I guess?”
    Someone knocked on the door. They were both surprised when they saw Mr. Hoffman standing there. Chris unconsciously tugged his shirt and straightened his tie in the presence of the founder of the firm.
    “Mr. Hoffman. What a nice surprise. How are you, sir?” Arielle stood from her desk and shook his hand.
    “I’m the one who should be asking you that. I heard about the fire; are you okay?” Hoffman patted her shoulder fondly. He was a gentleman of about sixty-years-old with a receding hairline and a dapper figure. Even at his age, he still maintained a trim physique thanks to a five day-a-week tennis regimen. He was a handsome man in his heyday and had charmed many of his paramours with little more than a smile.
    “I’m good, sir. I wasn’t there when it happened. By the time I got home, it was all over.”
    “I’m so sorry, Arielle.” Hoffman acknowledged Chris’ presence with a nod. “I see that you put in the most billable hours last quarter, Rolland. Impressive work, as always. Is Arielle staying at your place now?”
    She and Chris traded glances. Hoffman didn’t know that Chris was seeing his daughter.
    Arielle answered quickly before Chris could. “I’ve already got myself a new apartment, Mr. Hoffman. My new roommate gave me a great deal.”
    “Oh, you’ve got a new place? That’s good to hear. Well, I just came down here to see how you were doing. Your father would roll over in his grave if I didn’t offer any help. You know that we have a condo in The Bronx, right? The place has been empty for years. I wanted to rent it out, but I don’t feel like dealing with tenants. If you’re pressed for a place to stay, you can have the condo. You know, until you get back on your feet.”
    “That’s so generous of you, Mr. Hoffman, thank you, but I’m in good hands. You don’t have to worry about me.”
    “How could I not? Your father entrusted you in my care. He saved me many times when we were in ‘Nam. Without him, I wouldn’t have come back in one piece. I owed him my life. The least I can do is help his daughter.” Hoffman beamed like a proud parent. “You’ll tell me if you’re in a pinch, won’t you?”
    “I certainly will, sir, don’t you worry.”
    The old man laughed boisterously. “Well, then. I’d better get going. I have a lunch date then a few rounds of golf with Judge Stevens this afternoon. Tell my daughter, I stopped by.”
    “You’re not going to see Sabrina, sir?” asked Chris.
    Hoffman waved him off, making his way to the door. “I’m sure she’s busy or something. Some other time.”
    “Dad?” Unexpectedly, Sabrina happened to be passing by in the hallway and saw Mr. Hoffman. “I didn’t know you were stopping by,” she said while balancing a stack of documents in her arms.
    “I came to see how Arielle was doing, that’s all.”
    Sabrina cast a look in Arielle’s direction. It wasn’t irritation, or a sneer like usual. It was a sad look.
    It was a side of Sabrina she had never seen before. Chris was right. Mr. Hoffman treated

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