An Alpha's Pride [tribal bonds 2]

Read Online An Alpha's Pride [tribal bonds 2] by Stormy Glenn - Free Book Online

Book: An Alpha's Pride [tribal bonds 2] by Stormy Glenn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stormy Glenn
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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hope for them. Carlton didn’t even want him if he was groveling. Daniel had nothing left. Carlton had taken it all, and Daniel couldn’t fault the man for that. He had taken a proud man and tried to break him. Just because he had stopped before Carlton had given in didn’t mean he hadn’t done it.
It was apparent to anyone looking that Carlton would never forgive him. And now, it seemed, Carlton didn’t even want to fuck him anymore. Daniel had gambled with his electus status, his alpha status, and his pride and given Carlton everything he had to offer.
He had lost.
Daniel frowned as he tried to gather his fleeting thoughts. He glanced around the room, skipping over Carlton as fast as he could. “My men are waiting outside,” he said in a dead voice void of emotion. “I’ll inform them that they need to follow your orders while you pursue our people. If you need anything more, contact my second-in-command, Sadiki, and he will assist you.”
“You’re not leaving, Daniel,” Carlton snapped as he stalked over to the door and turned the lock, and then spun around, blocking the door with his large body. “You’re not stepping one foot outside of this room until I have some answers.”
Daniel stumbled over to a chair and sat down, overwhelmed. There was nothing Carlton could ask that he wouldn’t give. He just didn’t know if he had anything left to give.
The once-proud electus of his tribe, the man who had controlled and commanded so many, now sat here defeated by his own anamchara. How the mighty have fallen—hard.
He never in his life would have guessed that he would react this way to his mate, but apparently his heart had won out when it came to Carlton. He’d do anything for Carlton, even toss away his pride.
Daniel folded his hands together in his lap and tried to look like he had some semblance of control when he clearly didn’t. He kept his head bent, staring down at his hands, afraid Carlton would see the deep need he had in his eyes.
Good fucking god, mating was making him bat-shit crazy.
“What do you want to know?”
“Why haven’t you been feeding?”
Daniel drew in a deep breath, feeling it stutter in his throat. “Feeding from someone other than my anamchara won’t sustain me like feeding from you will. I normally only need to feed once a week or so, but now I’ve been having to feed almost daily.”
“And why haven’t you?”
“It feels wrong to feed from someone else.” Daniel shrugged. “I’ve tried but—”
“Do you need to feed now?”
Daniel swallowed hard, his gut clenching. “Yes,” he whispered.
“Would that return your strength to you?”
He nodded. He barely kept himself from jerking back when Carlton suddenly stood in front of him. He closed his eyes when Carlton squatted down in front of him. He didn’t want to see the hatred in Carlton’s eyes again. He just couldn’t stand it.
“Look at me, Daniel.”
Daniel felt Carlton grip his chin and lift his head up. He braced himself and slowly opened his eyes. What he saw in Carlton’s eyes took his breath away. It wasn’t hatred or pity, but Daniel couldn’t exactly define what it was.
“Feed from me, mate,” Carlton said as he tilted his head to one side.
Daniel’s eyes strayed to the pulse throbbing in Carlton’s neck. He licked his lips and felt his fangs drop down. His heart rate started to speed up. He could hear Carlton’s pulse like a pounding in his head…thump…thump…thump.
“Carlton, please, I—”
Carlton growled and bound to his feet. He lifted Daniel up in his arms before Daniel could even protest. He swung around and sat in the chair Daniel had just occupied then placed Daniel on his lap so that Daniel straddled his thick thighs.
Carlton’s face was fierce looking as his hand fisted in Daniel’s hair and pressed Daniel’s face into his neck. “Take what you need from me, Daniel.”
Daniel could no more deny Carlton’s demand than he could deny his need. He leaned closer and licked the

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